Ashida Mana as Post, Suzuki Rio as Maki, Sakurada Hiyori as Piami, Watanabe Konomi as Bombi, Mikami Hiroshi as Sasaki Tomonori, Kimura Fumino as Mizusawa Kana, Miura Shohei as Locker, Sakai Miki as Ryoka, Shirota Yu as Tojo Yuki, Ohgo Suzuka as Otsubone
Yosh! I found a Japanese drama to watch side by side with Chocolatier, and this one is totally refreshing and lightweight drama. I love the kids so much and to speak about them, cute is an understatement. They are mega loaded with adorableness, squishiness and are very lovable as well. It's about orphans from different backgrounds that are gathered together in search for a perfect foster parents for them. They are handled by a middle aged man named Mao. He's the one arranging opportunities for the kids to experience how it's like having parents to take care of them; and with mutual agreement, eventually the kids will be separated from each other to live and make a household happy. In this essence, the drama also includes the value of finding happiness in life and how to create it despite the circumstances under them. Sometimes it's even more convenient to feel unhappy because too much happiness will cause sadness afterwards. Those realization will come to surface and as an adult, you could only agree to these.