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Monday, January 27, 2014

The Liebster Award!!! I am nominated :D

Hi guys!! Since I’m new to Liebster Award, I really thank DramaFan for nominating me and giving me a chance to be introduced to other bloggers and also, to share my thoughts regarding the dramas I’ve watched. I think that this idea is amazing because it encourages bloggers to nominate their fellows who have less than 200 followers be exposed to bloggers of the same interests. Cool! Two thumbs up! Will get back for a confetti and a happy dance dot gif for this. :D
So here are the rules:
  • 1.      Each nominee link back the person who nominated them.
  • 2.      Answer 10 questions which are given to you by the nominator.
  • 3.      Nominate 10 other bloggers for this award who have less than 200 followers.
  • 4.      Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
  • 5.      Let the nominees know that they have been nominated by going to their blog and notifying them.

DramaFan’s Questions:
1.      If you are going to a desert island, and you can only take 3 k-dramas with you, which will they be and why?
·         Reply1997 – I need a drama to crack me up while stuck in the deserted island. This is the first drama I have thought of, maybe because I don’t want to be depressed and bored and I know that this k-drama will provide me laughter and amusement to get through the days.
·        ShiningInheritance – This is the k-drama that brought me back to the land of k-dramas, it’s a bit lengthy (28 episodes) nonetheless I was so obsessed with Lee Seung Gi whose character is Hwan, and that obsession turned me into being his fan as an ultimate entertainer in S. Korea. Apart from my interest to the leading actor, I really like his character Hwan and his counterpart Eun Sung (Han Hyo Joo) too. Because I love their pairing so much, I would bring this k-drama with me. Moreover, I like this drama because it gives us the value of money and it’s also gripping, with so much values to teach us.
·         Thank You – I need something to inspire me in the deserted island hence I thought of a k-drama to keep me hopeful and motivated all throughout. So, I chose this Jang Hyuk and Gong Hyo Jin offering, that I can consider as two of the long lists of best k-drama actors. Other than that, since it’s DramaFan who tagged me in this Leibster award, I’m so bringing her Jang Hyuk with me. Kkk~
2.      You are on the same desert island and you can make only three k-hotties to come spend time with you. Who will they be, and what would each be in charge of? (Who would do the cooking, etc?)
·         Jung Kyung Ho – Paksa! Doctor’s Son (Heartless City) I want him to be my bodyguard.
·         Lee Jong Suk – My sunshine, he’ll provide me with his beaming smile.
·         Jung Il Woo – My clown, I think he has a pleasing personality and is also very warm in person. I want to get to know him more as an actor and his personal life.
My choices don’t really mean they are my biases. To be honest, I feel sad because it is only limited to three k-hotties. (sadface) XD
3.      I (DramaFan) am still not familiar with Kpop. What is the one korean singer I must definitely listen to, and which are his/her best songs?
I want to answer this question but I don’t think I could only recommend one artist or singer to represent my appreciation for kpop, though this would probably be different because it’s not the usual mainstream kpop that often being mentioned. Well, since I have so much leisure to answer this, I don’t mind recommending a lot but with strict fangirling.
1.      TVXQ (2003-2009) – My favorite kpop band. Been listening to them since 2007, where kpop wasn’t introduced globally yet so I was one of those people who witnessed the hallyu become money driven and decline in quality. Well, I won’t go far in talking about that matter but yeah, I suggest you listen to TVXQ’s songs pre-hallyu global expansion because they were seriously the best. My favorite songs are: too many (I might say every song they have) but to pick my favorites, I would recommend: Unforgettable, Love is Never Gone, Wish (Changmin, Junsu, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook), Hug
2.      Infinite – As a TVXQ fangirl, I acknowledge their talent. I have seen these guys live last November and I must say that they exceeded my expectations. I consider them as the most consistent kpop idols to date, if we put TVXQ (2003-2009) out of the picture of course.  My favorite songs would be: Tears (ballad), Cover Girl, Nothing’s Over, and The Chaser
3.      John Park – I was contemplating whether to put John or Lee Seung Gi honestly because both to me are important singers, and I know both are deserving of this spot but if we talk about my newest favorite, that would be John Park. If you want me to talk about Seunggi, it would be as much pleasure as well. Only few knows that John Park was a former American Idol contestant but you must know now that he has improved a lot in terms of singing. Aside from me being cracked up by his pabo image in Korea, boy is a different caliber as a singer and at singing live. My favorite songs of his are: Baby, Good Day (this song is feel good), Sipping my Life
4.      The next time I go to a korean restaurant, what should I definitely order? 
- Bibimbap, Chapjae, Jajangmyun, Dokbokki, Samngyupsal, Bulgogi.
5.      What was your first Kdrama crush?
- Wonbin, simple and easy. I have seen him in Autum’s Tale back in 2003 and I was in love with him. Hehe.
6. What is the maximum number of episodes you have watched in a day? (Gumi: My record is 14, it was when I was on a Chuno run:P).
- I really can’t remember. But the kdrama I remember to marathon is A Cinderella’s Sister for watching it 2-3 days. 
7. Which is the Kdrama cliche you just can’t stand?
- I think I’m allergic to cliché dramas being produced nowadays so I run far from those (rom-com) these days.
8. Which is the Kdrama cliche you actually enjoy?
- Rom- com dramas:
·         Goong (2006) – Though I don’t consider this drama as cliché, because as we all know, even though the plot is quite familiar in the kdrama land, this drama is one of the firsts to introduce the fusion of love story by a crown prince and a commoner, and also few of the political agendas and such. I think that this drama is phenomenal despite of the actors being relatively new in the industry then (Yoon Eun Hye and Joo Ji Hoon). Everytime I watch this kdrama, there is that refreshing feeling that it gives me. It doesn’t age at all.
·         Full House (2004) – This is one of my favorite rom coms in the kdrama land starring Rain (Bi) and Song Hye Gyo. I first watched it in 2004 so it has that special place in my heart. I love their OST and such, and also, I’m  proud of these two actors for belonging to the A-list celebrities of Korea.
·         Lovers in Paris (2004) – This drama is one of my favorite k-dramas, as they shot it in Paris and other than that, the ending is unpredictable. I can only remember being so happy and entertained by this drama back in 2005. I loved the actors as well, Kim Jung Eun, Park Shin Yang and Lee Dong Gun.
·         SecretGarden (2010) – This is probably the latest rom-com drama that I immensely enjoyed. This drama lives up to its popularity I must say and Hyun Bin here is an eye candy and his chemistry with Ha Ji Won was oozing.
I guess the k-dramas I mentioned are not that cliché because they have something different to offer the viewers and besides, they were long produced before the bloom of cliché kdramas that have arisen. Perhaps now, if you hate rom-coms so much, you’d be turned off by reading the genre it has but if you were to watch them now, they still come off as refreshing.
9. Who is your favorite korean actress?
·         Han Hyo Joo (Shining Inheritance, Iljimae)
·         Moon Chae Won (Shining Inheritance, The Princess Man, Nice Guy)
Sorry, for not answering this question properly again and for being torn over two choices. OTL
10. Tell us your favorite Kdrama OST
- Hmm, nothing in particular. For every k-drama that I watch, I think that I develop attachment to them. But currently, I’ve been playing B1A4’s “With You” a lot. It’s an OST from Reply 1994.
Recommended Bloggers:
  • 1.      Carolies541 - I love her blog because she provides so many In a Good Way goodies. I just simply want to take this opportunity to let her know and also, introduce her with everyone. She also has a wide variety of interests when it comes to Asian dramas so you can count on her recommendations.
  • 2.      Misscupcakees_ - I first met her on twitter, I think that I came across her blog through In a Good Way as well. We have since exchanged some thoughts regarding the Taiwanese drama. In her blog, she makes interesting recaps and insights about the drama. If you want to get into Taiwanese, Chinese and Hong Kong dramas, you can check out her site.
  • 3.      The Talking Cupboard -  I first came across her on my account in wordpress until we followed each other on twitter. If you are into Empress Ki and obsessing over it, go follow her blog for insightful thoughts about the said k-drama.
  • 4.      Chiaki - She has provides lots of news about the Japanese entertainment industry since 2006 so you could only imagine her dedication about it, with lots of Jdo news of course. Her site is where I usually get the latest updates since I am no longer into site hopping due to limited leisure time.
  • 5.      Missienelly - For those who are currently into Prime Minister and I, you could follow her blog. She also make reviews and recaps of kdramas in which my favorite is Let’s Eat. I follow her in my wordpress account too, you can join in!
  • 6.      To follow


1. Where do you get your inspiration in writing down your thoughts in your blog about the dramas you watch?

2. At what time of the day do you mostly watch dramas?

3. What are the benefits of watching dramas in your life?

4. What do you think are the downside of it?

5. What are your favorite dramas from Japan, Korea, Taiwan, etc (list as much as you can)

6. Who are your favorite actors and your most favorite project of theirs?

7. What advice can you give me with time management in blogging?

8. Apart from watching dramas, what are your hobbies? List as much interests as you can.

9. At what obsession level do you consider yourself with blogging?

10. How much percentage of your daily time do dramas consume you?