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Friday, January 31, 2014

In A Good Way Episode 11


In this episode, the differences and conflicting opinion among friends surfaced with regards to the protest led by Jia En and Liu Chuan against the unlawful grading system of the professor who failed Xiao Wei. I think I would focus more on the individualized beliefs of the characters more than anything in this episode as we witness them take on separate ways. Nonetheless, there is something to learn from as we realize that this is what a true essence of friendship is in going through difficulties - with variety of personalities and opinions to consider.

But before I continue talking about the characters, let me first take a review of the overall essence of the episode and how it is able to maintain the quality of interaction and the delivery of their own point and personality. I think In A Good Way is a drama that will give us so many lessons that we wouldn't even realize when we are the ones taking role of their shoes. Personally, it opened my eyes on the infinite reasons to a person's action. Some are driven by their own principles, some are taken away by their fears, some just want justice be served, others just don't really care because it's not their business anyway. To be honest, where would you categorize yourself in them? But without knowing the roots of your decision, you wouldn't know where to stand. In perspective, we have all have our reasons on our choices. Having said that, I believe in the stance of In A Good Way, to bring out the story behind every character and why differences is not a matter of choice but of human nature which is individuality. I have read comments hating on Xiao Wei or Tracy but have you ever thought of putting yourself in their shoes? Would you ever dare to act otherwise? Let's see.

Tracy - She is a blunt and upfront person. Ever since she appeared, I've always loved Tracy for she speaks her mind with a quality purpose, it doesn't aim to harm anybody but only for the sake of reality. She knows that life is what it is, she faces it, she's fierce, she knows when to be gentle but more than anything, she's just liberated. For that matter, she chose to pick Xiao Wei's side because to her, Xiao Wei's feelings weigh the most value in this matter.

Xiao Wei - She's a girl from the countryside with a number of insecurities with people in the city. She's opposite Tracy's personality. Financially, they are not well off, and is close to being categorized as part of charitable student. Also, to help her family back home, she takes a part time job in a restaurant. She's a friend who doesn't open up her problems, wanting them out of her personal life. In some cases, she denies meet ups and gatherings. However, that part of her is only just because she's not expressive of her feelings, not only of her problems. Because of the introvert persona in her, she just wanted to let it slip away and move on peacefully. In the end, she doesn't want to bother and let others down.

Jia En - She is a fighter, a change agent who believes in justice, and for being fearless and free of worries of being expelled out, she fought for Xiao Wei. A brave girl who would be commendable in the eyes of everyone. But have you thought that Jia En was too care free? Like what Ri Qi has raised, maybe they were too focused on fighting the professor rather than taking consideration of what Xiao Wei really feels. Nonetheless, I think that Jia En's motives are pure and because of that, she pursued what she feels is best for her friend. Ri Qi has raised a good point though.

Liu Chuan - I would want to believe more that Liu Chuan just wanted to help out Jia En with her fight for unfair ruling by the professor. It's because Liu Chuan likes Jia En and I'm not complaining. I thought that it's an auto-move to support whatever is being raised by the person you like. Hence, Liu Chuan was the first recruitment of Jia En and next is Momo. Who else? What else, buddy?

A Qing and Ri Qi - Both just showed that The Three Musketeers is a trio bound with supportive people at any cost. I believe that they did it for a cause as well, A Qing is kindhearted, except for being a cassanova, he's a good person in general. Ri Qi on the other hand, cares for Xiao Wei even though we haven't really seen it yet. So yes, I approve the mobilization of people that these two have put a thought of and energy into. Two thumbs up!

Ren Wei, Ah Di, and Jacky - Men of Steel is another story of true friendship and they are like the nerd guys in school whom you wouldn't really get to interact with but they are full of crack. "Hey I'm not interested and I fear for my safety as a student but this looks fun anyway" kind of attitude. Nonetheless, I think that Ren Wei is the most matured out of the three. I love that he came out with his guitar and supportive friends so I really appreciate of what they did as well - that took part in catching the attention of everyone passing by.

Bai Xue - She didn't shine as much but she's still a sweetheart even when nursing a heartache. Bai Xue, I know that you will get better in time.

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