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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Review: Can We Get Married?

In a Nutshell: It's about a couple (Hae Yeon and Jong Hun) which life is about to change due to impending marriage. However, the involvement of their family most especially their mothers who are major influences in their lives has affected the process of their engagement contributing to the problems between the two. Would they be able to get through this test or not?

Halftime Report: Here


I liked this drama lot from the beginning because I thought that the spontaneous script and the reality it brings to all couples were illustrated through the atmosphere and the environment. Well, I still actually liked the whole concept of in-laws and the inclusive element of the love stories as well as marriage problems brought about by some circumstances. However, there are instances wherein I've felt kind of irritated to the excessive complaints and/or demands of these two mothers involved whose role are major to their children. Nonetheless, I still appreciate their concern and somewhere along the way, I had a gist of where they are coming from and despite of it happening in the war zone, it shouldn't affect much of the relationship between Hae Yeon and Jong Hun. The problem should still be dealt with by the couple themselves proving on how much they want to be together.

I personally liked the actors extending to the supporting casts. Despite the fact that they are new to me, they gave me so much reason or are very instrumental for me to watch it till the end. Though I admit that I finished this after 2 months, I'm still glad I watched it. At least my curiosity of the ending was satisfied.

The story I think is above average. It's a love story but not on the same scale of writing like the ones we see from others in the past so I was impressed with their uniqueness if I may say. There is spontaneity in the script. Aside from that, this is a cable drama so I think that they were a bit more expressive. This is not even romantic I guess? There was only a bit of cheesiness involved here and there but above these are mostly about the challenges that emerge among couples. They didn't fail to give us questions that could land answers in the succeeding episodes.

Rating: I gave the halftime report a highly recommended but for the final evaluation of this, I would have to give a very good which is not bad at all. It's a good drama, not excellent but faired well. There were a lot of disappointments in my part but then they were able to fix some of that in retrospect. Like the issue of the mothers which irked me, at the end the day they were able to give clear answers to them by showing the perspective of the moms. Of course, who wouldn't be apprehensive of the future of their kids in the hands of their in-laws? I think that it's a nature of the moms to behave that way. Meanwhile I introduce both of them to be from the opposing worlds - one is brought up by security while the other worked hard to be able to raise her kids through her strong personality.

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