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Monday, November 11, 2013

Noted: Reply 1994 Episodes 6 - 8

Episode 6 - Up until this episode, I am convinced that Trash oppa is the husband of Na Jung. That particular scene wherein Chilbong kissed Na Jung during the dare which purpose was for Samcheonpo and Yoon Jin to make peace with each other, Trash oppa was the only person who witnessed and stared at the moment, I felt his jealousy so I thought, despite of that scene, there's a big hope to my OTP (one true paring).

Plus, what is this Bingirae crushing on Trash? Gosh this is a major gossip going on but not surprising at all. They even kissed during the dare. LOL. He's so cute because it's all obvious now but of course he can't let him know yet. Reminds me of Hoya's character in Reply 1997 which I adored so much.

The ending of this episode was a heart warming one as everyone gathered in the living room to watch the 1994 Semi Final bid of South Korea in the World Cup. Added to the scene was the tenderness of the kids to Na Jung's mom after stressing her out the past few days prior to the good news. Despite everything, mom and dad are blessed to have a baby again which made everybody excited and sweet to her.

Trash oppa being affectionate to Bingirae. Hehe.

Episode 7

Aww this episode highlighted so much of Chilbong's potential as Na Jung's husband and I would have to say that Reply has done a great job at bringing out his charms and ability to make my heart flutter as well. This episode is noted to be full of music to suit the Na Jung and Chilbong ship which made me wonder of its significance in the future. Suddenly, I am diverted into another ship from my original one which give me nostalgic feelings for Trash because in retrospect, it has only been days that my heart was whole in my trust to this couple but this day has happened and it makes me want to question the loyalty of my feelings. Nonetheless, I still want Na Jung to be with Trash oppa but thinking that the team up was obvious in the earlier episodes most especially with Na Jung's perspectives, maybe like Na Jung's one sided feelings for Trash, he'd remain insensitive which would make me sad if that were to happen. Hope that he wouldn't be this hopeless till the end because I know in my heart that he feels something special for her. It's just that we don't really see his own point of view yet. Hope they wake Trash oppa's senses up! I would say that he's the male version of Shiwon from Reply 1997 - paboya.

Episode 8 - This is a one heck of a blast I tell you and yay we finally met the husband who's going to end up with Yoon Jin - that I won't tell you. Is it Haitai or Samcheonpo? Opps. You're bet. That's a huge spoiler for everyone.

So we have an episode of one sided love or unrequited love and also an episode to confess with that person. So who will confess to whom? You'd have to find out as well.

This got me screaming at such an ungodly hour because Yoon Jin has a big mouth when drunk. The way the scene was executed was dae to the bak! :P

I want to know! NOW!

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