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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Fan Account and Fancams: Infinite One Great Step Live in Manila

My friends and I (the three of us) went to Infinite's concert in November 3, 2013 at Araneta Coliseum here in Manila without buying the tickets prior to the concert so we went there semi prepared, long story but to cut it short, we got robbed off our money by Araneta Coliseum. However, the concert was worth it so everything's good and forgiven but still, we feel cheated somehow because we bought upper box b center which costed around P2500 ($60) but we were seated at the back which was suppose to be for the regular ones that is the cheapest ticket of the concert.

Infinite, I would have to admit myself that I'm not familiar with them at first and I only knew some of their songs, maybe half of what they have sung. Moreover, I knew that they are fairly good with live performances so I already had an idea of the quality of the concert that I am going to attend and at least, they have established a decent impression on me for the first few months of getting to know them. Meanwhile my friend is the one who's really a fan of theirs. Her happiness must have doubled compared to us two. LOL.

I'm glad we really pushed through the concert despite some unexpected events because the boys were amazing and energetic all throughout the concert which I doubted at first. Not only that they were amazing, so is the production of the performances which consists the audio, lighting and the stage. The boys have power vocals to sustain the performances as well as stamina to dance along the songs with so much passion. Furthermore, they also spoke in english during the ments and did so well at working up the crowd as I saw the smiley faces of the audience right at the end of the rows (because we were located there according to our seat number in which we were cheated with because we did get center upper box b however was seated at the back right side of the stage). But then we were not the only ones after talking to some fans. But what else can we do? We had to move on and enjoy the concert as much as we could.Trust me, my whole right arm was tired from waving the light stick during the concert so I had to seat for some of the moments. I can remember the majority standing throughout the concert which was amazing. It's definitely one of the best kpop experiences I've had so far and I didn't expect it to be with Infinite. In my recollection of the first moments before the boys came out, I was really nervous and excited to see them live and I was a bit overwhelmed by the screams it almost broke my eardrums. I must say that the fangirls was a bit out of control in the screaming department which was annoying in most parts. Well, they maybe younger than me because I already passed that moment of behaving that way. I can't even remember myself like what these teens are doing to themselves. You know what I mean, kpop fans do really belong to the younger generation that is rabid at expressing their emotion. Well, that's just my observation but if they are happy about it, they don't need to overdo their behavior. Such attitude can be fixed if they want to.

Back to the happy moments, my favorite from Infinite would have to be Hoya because I've seen him act in Reply 1997 which is the drama that introduced me to him. I liked him a lot since then and I really like him a lot until now. After him is Myungsoo, I am familiar with him long before I got to know the group because he's the most popular member and he's the visual of the group who is usually featured and talked about. Other members that I was familiar with are Woohyun after talking about Jaejoong's latest album WWW and Sung Jung for being the youngest. I only got myself attracted to Dong Woo after he cried during the concert as well as Sunggyu for having that distinctive tiny eye that's like a drawn line. So what is left is only Sung Yeol whom I only got to know a day after the concert. Now that I'm much familiar with them, I find myself more attractive to these guys. Unlike before that I've only been hearing about them, I thought they did't have much personality to offer but then as I learn to know them more, they are great guys too. I wish them more years of activities, more success and a lot of hard-earned recognition in the future.

My favorite performances would have to be Paradise, Be Mine, Cover Girl, Nothing's Over and Man In Love. But then, I fell short with fancams hence I can only share with you some of them. Here you go, the two are a bit shaky taken by an S3 and an shrieking fangirl while the other two is from a 4S and a lax fangirl (that's me).




That Summer (more stable than the other two)


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