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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Halftime Report: I'm Sorry I Love You


So Ji Sub as Cha Moo Hyuk (Memories of Bali)
Im Soo Jung as Song Eun Chae
Jung Kyung Ho as Choi Yun (Heartless City)

I just caught up with watching this drama and I know that I'm a decade late for it but it's better than never. I think that this is one of the classic K-dramas out there that you shouldn't miss regardless of its age. However, you couldn't help but compare its cinematography to today's k-dramas since it was a bit lacking in the scenes yet we can still appreciate its touch. Yes or Yes? Nonetheless, I think that overall, it was well delivered in the acting department through the intensity of the emotions by the actors. Moreover, the fashion is not visually appealing as well but that's a given anyway. However, you couldn't help but to be really distracted of it sometimes. You couldn't imagine how these clothes made it to the trend few years ago. Even I myself thinks it's impossible - with all the baggy elements and the loose pants that So Ji Sub (Moo Hyuk) was sporting, I can only shake my head. But to further discuss the more important things, I think that I would focus my review on the story, on the actors and on why this has become phenomenal in Korea during those times. Also, I won't be missing it's lapses in the story as well.

So Ji Sub as Moo Hyuk - Personally I think that his story is very complex, a character with an edge over anyone for he's had survived many hardships in life - growing up with no one beside him. He hates the world as much as he hates his mother for having to think she's abandoned him to a place far from her existence. Nonetheless, even though he was born a gangster, there is still a soft spot in him that prevails from time to time and that quality can be exposed by someone who would believe in the goodness of his nature more than the bad. Regardless of all the bad things that happened to him, an angel sent from Heaven came to life through Eun Chae (Im Soo Jung). More that eventually falling in love with her through the process, he thinks of her as a blessing, a ray of sunshine that could alter his doomed view of life. That aspect of the story is something which could turn out to be inspiring. The monologue done by Moo Hyuk is a tear inducing one with regards to Eun Chae as he tries to burn all of his hatred to the world in his heart for Eun Chae to stay by his side.

Even though I already knew how this story will end, blame youtube for all the spoilers; I still pursued to watch maybe because it's a So Ji Sub's drama, second is that I can't believe Jung Kyung Ho is the second male lead (Paksa of Heartless City!!!) and third, I love the OST, the Korean version of Yuki no Hana by Mika Nakashima (Snowflower by Park Hyo Shin). You see, I was really motivated to watch it regardless of how un-fashioned their clothes are. Well I remember watching old Kdramas too before but I didn't complain as much as I did now.

Im Soo Jung (Eun Chae) - She is a kind hearted girl with dedication and love that leaves you warm inside - serving as an inspiration to anybody who wants to change something about their life. Eun Chae is a fool for love though because of Yoon (Jung Kyung Ho) in which she serves as his personal assistant. Yoon is an actor/singer by profession and his talent must have been inherited from his mom who happens to be a mother of Moo Hyuk as well. To give you a back story, I judged the mom  before because I also believed that she left her kids for the sake of popularity. But to not spoil the events, I would leave to you the true reasons why. Now, I just discovered from episode 8 that it was not intentional and Moo Hyuk was wrong in anticipating the reasons, as well as my judgment. Though, mother gets on my nerves sometimes for her actions and for considering Yoon as a baby. Moving on to Eun Chae, I think that even though this is the only kdrama I've seen so far from Im Soo Jung, she's done amazing.

My impression for the coming episodes is that - so many revelations will come to surface which I think is good to clear up things once and for all. Furthermore, I need to see Yoon fall for Eun Chae so badly because I know that he's taken her for granted before and that he was only obsessed over his girlfriend who happens to be a cheater, Min-joo.

I think that the only lapse which I think is unnecessary in the story is that particular motive of Moo Hyuk for attracting Min-joo (Yoon's gf) towards him while he changes identity. Whenever it happens, he's scary and it feels strange in a way. I don't understand as well the connection of doing it in his plan for revenge. Perhaps to break Yoon's heart? But eventually I feel that he'll fall for Eun Chae badly. Again, it may also be to keep Yoon's obsession over her to keep him away from Eun Chae.

Last night, I teared up because of a melancholic Soo Ji Sub and his eyes which is very expressive says it all accompanied by the background song, the heart wrenching Snow Flower. This drama will get its still, a very commendable rating from me mainly because of So Ji Sub's execution and to everyone in character.

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