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Sunday, May 25, 2014

SBS Variety Show: Roommate


I didn't expect my viewing habit to be loaded with plenty of currently airing shows from Korea and I feel a bit absorbed in watching them. So I came across this variety show since a lot of mentions about it has been made in my timeline. First, the familiar names Lee Dong Wook, Park Bom, Chan Yeol were tagged together and to me these are the few ones I could recognize so I was curious what must have this show has to offer for putting all these people together? Basically, the concept of it is to create a home for celebrities where they would go back to after a busy long day. So we have the rock music icon in the 90s, Shin Sung Woo who's taking part as Chan Yeol of EXO's roommate, supermodel & fashion enthusiast Lee So Ra who's roommate is the 4D or 4 dimensional personality Park Bom from 2ne1 and Song Ga Yeon, a sports driven 19 year old who has a very pretty face but with a  tough personality because of being a Road FC Fighter. Other roommates are actors & flower boys Park Min Woo & Seo Kang Joon. The pairing of Orange Caramel's Nana and actress Hong Soo Hyun is another matched upbeat & straightforward personalities. The unexpected and the probably the most opposite looking partners are the handsome actor Lee Dong Wook and comedienne Jo Se Ho yet they clicked so well in terms of humor and energy.

I wish my introduction of the cast wasn't confusing but maybe as you go through the episodes, you'll get familiar with them more. It's also part of the concept for this reality show, as an experiment whether these people who came from different backgrounds would be able to adjust to the life living with their housemates. Maybe, if you're familiar with Big Brother, you'd probably have an idea of its purpose but then, it's totally different from what you would expect because these celebrities could still go around the outside world and do the normal process of their daily lives nonetheless. For me, I find this concept more interesting than Big Brother because it doesn't control the participants and there wouldn't be pressure inside the house for them to act. In other words, they can do as they please at least.



I'm fond of this show because I think that this is a good place for the roommates to discover the side of their personality in which they can mature and improve on. It's interesting also in a sense that they chose assorted personalities, few can't be helped but clash sooner or later. Nonetheless, they will grow from it and learn in the process. Then of course, it's interesting to watch how they would harmonize and develop chemistry with each other. But then, some issues were raised that this show is after the love line in which you couldn't help but to be brought up especially that we have few good looking characters in the picture and I think it's a human nature that eventually, they would be attracted to the opposite sex. So I'm not really particular whether in the end, a couple would emerge from these people. Regardless of the expectation, I still commend the production team for keeping an equal exposure to everyone.

Though I feel that Son Ga Yeon's personality would fit me most, I think Lee So Ra who's an introvert yet knows where she's headed or at least she looks like it, are the closest to my personality. However, I also see myself in Park Bom, Nana & Hong Soo Hyun. I thought it's good that everyone has a variety of attributes yet we discover something we could share in common. To me, this can be a show where you can relate yourself as well. My favorite personalities would be when they become the person after pealing off their image in front of the camera and this is where you would feel closer to them & being celebrities, I'm a bit fascinated by the fact that they have human feelings, insecurities and strength within them that drives them to become better. 

Jo Se Ho suddenly looked cool in my eyes after watching episode 3. I think that him being creative is a factor why. Then Lee Dong Wook is the most surreal person in the house for me because I've watched "My Girl" 7-8 years ago, and I really loved his effective portrayal as a physician in Mandate of Heaven: The Fugitive of Joseon so I can't imagine how nice and good looking he is by watching him behind the drama heavens. I guess, they are my favorite pairing so far as they click the most for me. Though each of the housemates has something that I really do find addictive and special. So I just recently found out Lee So Ra can be transformed into a cool person dancing to 2ne1's song, it was so funny. Park Bom is like an alien with her personality and that Nana and Hong Soo Hyun has their lovely side within them apart from being pretty. I was surprised that I really like Chan Yeol now as well as Shin Sung Woo as they share their love for music. Then the flower boys Min Woo and Kang Joon, do I still need to explain why I like them? Hehe. 

Make sure to enjoy yourself watching this! ^^v

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