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Saturday, May 17, 2014

First Impression: Witch's Romance's Yoon Dong Ha, Park Seo Joon

feel lucky this season and that K-drama gods has been so good to me as I found myself watching three series that are currently airing (Angel Eyes, Triangle, Witch's Romance). All of which are I'm excited to update everytime and the reason I think is that,as much as my preference is concerned, they are watchable. However, I also want to start so many dramas because of the promising competition and plot but I haven't found a time yet for follow up thus for now, I'll have to enjoy myself indulging to this madness without having to overwhelm my viewing habits. Other shows that I'm considering are Dr. Stranger, Big Man & You're All Surrounded. But, I'll talk about Witch's Romance first because it makes me grin to have found an underdog that is right down my alley. 

So what is it all about? This series is a remake of the Taiwanese drama called My Queen starring Ethan Ruan in the cable channel tvN, which is a story of a woman older by 14 years to a man whom he had an entangled fate with. When I say fate, I won't go through the details because we all know how fate works in Kdramas which is an infinite of possibilities so as much as I can, I wouldn't spoil it to my readers nor elaborate it because I think it's nothing special. I'm not really interested by the plot itself nor the cinematography but I'm most interested with the man who played the role of Yoon Dong Ha, Park Seo Joon. But before I start spazzing about his endless charm and charisma, let's look at the apple of his eyes, Ban Ji Yeon played by Uhm Jung Hwa. Surprisingly, these two have a chemistry together which is amazing and extraordinary. But for me, I give credit to their skills in portraying their roles because to be very honest, this is an unexpected pairing but it could work and it did. Maybe we can give credit to the writer, director and the production as well? Because of the tremendous job of making this happen with the casting. Nonetheless, the most amazing feat for this drama to be proud of for me, is 2014's rising star, Park Seo Joon. Yes, and I already gave that title to him because he deserved much recognition. Haha.

Before commenting, I have heard people say that My Queen's Ethan Ruan did an excellent job as the leading man and that the Korean counterpart wouldn't live up to what he's done as the character. But so much with the expectation of others, and with my less of an idea how the Taiwanese original did, I think Park Seo Joon did a tremendous job for the role and this is why I'm doing a feature of him in my blog. I would like my readers to enjoy the character he play for the series because he's a rookie actor but with so much potential in hand. Hehe. I sound so biased here but I don't kid you. To me, he exudes Lee Jong Suk's aura sometimes but in other times, surpasses him. His voice is another charm that you can't miss out because through his character that is full of sincerity Yoon Dong Ha, I think that he's delivering every line as if he wasn't just acting but everything just comes from within naturally. Maybe we can call it as the heartwarming charisma that he has? The way that his eyebrows come together when he frown out of concern and how a vertical wrinkle form in between are something that you can't resist but to fall for. I know that his character is just fictional but sometimes, you can't help but think that they are true feelings even though they are only make believe, because you can't play a role which you don't have inertly within yourself. So basically this is how I view Park Seo Joon in light of his character in the drama. I can't judge Ethan's Ruan's performance through a character like Yoon Dong Ha but if someone has watched it beforehand, is it worth it and would it make me fall for him like the Korean version of the character? Of course! But who's better, I don't really concern myself regarding that because Park Seo Joon is Park Seo Joon, a man of himself. Hehe

Is this drama I would recommend? Still a yes because other than discovering a fine looking and a pure hearted Yoon Dong Ha, you'll get to appreciate someone like Ban Ji Yeon also. And the drama doesn't fail to inspire others and make a good chemistry on the set to deliver a commending drama for everyone to watch. If you've watched Sung Kyung Kwan Scandal, psssh they have the same director so you'd might as well look forward to get yourself butterflies in your stomach with the romance. 

I won't be hypocrite anymore not to mention, psssh Park Seo Joon has himself a nice six pack abs and a toned, visually appealing body. Cross your fingers that they could be exposed more. Haha.

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