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Friday, December 6, 2013

"In A Good Way" Episode 2

I’m back with In A Good Way and excited to share it with you. I think that this will probably be one of those random posts that I will be having because I really enjoy talking about this drama this way. To me, it is refreshing that I am into a raving parade for it because of so many factors, just like what episode 2 given me while watching which you will know later on. I loved to pause a lot during this episode and just absorb the ‘feels’ because I can’t let the moment pass by just easily.  Spare the incoherence please. (Grin)

I guess, my review on episode 2 would be provoked by thoughts of why this drama is well-written and executed, and why it has been a while since I felt this kind of passion in sharing the joys of watching with everyone. Hope that after reading this, you watch this drama definitely.

It doesn’t thrill me nor that it is suspenseful, but what really keeps you going and loving every minute and second of it is the good characterization, which was a very amazing element brought by this drama. If I were to describe it the best way possible, it’s perfect. Good job on choosing the right ones to deliver the roles. I am not kidding. So I was just talking about the character Liu Chuang Feng (Lu Shang Feng) who’s most probably is someone I am most interested in, not only for his character but the portrayal of the actor, Lego Lee. So here’s the thing, his character is a very nice, gentle, smart, quiet, mysterious man full of humanistic values - including that as part of his character is his dog pet called “Momo”. Isn’t that fluffy? But yeah, aside from loving his pet which is just as cute as him (they kind of look alike), it feels as if Liu Chuang is coming to life through this drama. In episode two, there was this particular scene that pretty much allowed his character to be exposed in the light, that is when he soaked himself under the improvised rain coming from the rooftop of a building (given that his friends were very supportive of him in explaining the weather that night when he let Jia En enter the boy's dormitory)- he couldn't let her suffer from cold, such a gentleman.

The story goes like this: Jia En followed her childhood friend in Taipei, Ren Wei who is now studying there for college after finishing high school in the countryside. Since Jia En first went to look after him, and he didn’t show up the whole day intentionally nor any response was heard from him given that he received the notice from her, Jia En who happened to meet Liu Chang at the boy’s dormitory was asked to leave the room because she was mistaken with the building where she assumed Ren Wei was currently suppose to live. Hence, Jia En was left to wait for her friend outside. The night with the pouring rain came while waiting, Liu Chuang who happened to observe her was left concerned on his room. After having some thoughts, he decided to let her in unknown to the auntie who manages the dorm, which was a kind gesture of a gentleman which Ren Wei is lacking, taking advantage of Jia En’s kindness and all. That situation triggered the rumors of a girl sneaking in the boy’s dormitory during the night.

But then, the situation was cleared and handled way too greatly by our hero, Liu Chuang when it can’t be kept secret anymore. Hence, that particular scene really has proven how charming Liu Chuang is, that comes of as charismatic without even trying to be like one. He was doing it as part of him, it doesn’t feel like he was acting or anything like that, and the best part was that, his reaction was not overdone nor over-the-top to become effective.

Aside from him, acknowledging Kirsten Ren, the actress on the role of Jia En, was a well thought one as well. She is a province girl, traditional and makes it even more interesting that this drama was set in 1995, which means her outfits are very much attractive to me, most especially her overalls. Then, I think that her eyes are huge for a chinky one and is one of the factors on how expressive she is, and kudos to the director and the writer for once again creating another character that is very lovable. I would have to emphasize yet again how realistic and natural they are due by the character.

Moving on, the cinematography which comprises the nature as the surrounding the environment: the sea, the sun, the trees, lots of fresh air, the breeze of young hearts, and that the entire atmosphere in the series are very much driven with awesome captures. You know I have to share, the time while watching episode 2 which I think was an hour and twenty minutes long was a fleeting one - that I wouldn’t want to let go off. You can just imagine how I was so into it. I guess I am just really happy like this for I am into everything that this drama has to give, such as friendship, young love, youthfulness, family oriented plot, and most especially, the illustration of freedom and coming of age by the characters. Hence, I can agree that this is a very relatable drama not only because I have went through some of the experiences by the characters such as going to college and adjusting to the city’s way of living and that includes leaving who you are back home behind; but also relatable to everyone in a sense that the kind of emotion you get from the characters such the courage to go after your dreams and freedom is inspiring. So for these kind of values that was seen and focused on, you can have the sense the quality through it. It’s worth your time, very much with mine because it feels like it’s been a while! Underrated, yes; but then sometimes the satisfaction is greater than watching highly popular dramas. IT’S REALLY BEEN A WHILE. Ahhhh, I love the feeling of nostalgia I get from this. <3

The soundtrack, oh oh, is another story of awesome. And I was into spazzing about episode 2 on twitter 2 days ago. After a while, I thought that I would have to share the moments here.

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