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Monday, December 2, 2013

First Impression: In A Good Way (Taiwanese Drama)

It's been a long time since I attempted to watch a Taiwanese drama after Autumn's Concerto since I think I already forgot the pleasure it brings me as I was too pre-occupied watching so many Korean dramas as well as Japanese. So, now that I have a chance to rekindle my love and appreciation for this kind of genre once again, I am truly embracing this opportunity given to me by this series with an open heart. 

I am crossing my fingers that it will do well. Please... And one reasons for the well wish is the very impressive and touching start or impression it has given me. It was not overwhelming yet full of good stuff. Definitely, I can claim to myself that it was a worthwhile one as I have waited unconsciously then bam pleasant surprise! And it's Taiwanese which is a breath of fresh air, anyone? They can go up par to producing such as well. Hope they stay the same and if not to maintain their good start, exceed my expectations on the next episodes. (Fistpump)

Well, this drama is about love that's for sure but other than that, it tackles issues about family and friendship as well - the plot that would be familiar to most of us because it was set during 1995, the years where Jia En & Ren Wei took their college entrance exams. So there, I think you just snapped your fingers upon the mention of 1995 because we have Reply 1997 and 1994 in Korea that took over our hearts by storm. Basically, I can't say that they are as well, going back to 1995 to find an answer to the present but I guess, they are just simply illustrating of what happened in the "now" of their lives and in realization would perhaps familiarize us with the similar feeling we have for the Reply series and of course by their fashion sense, those jeans and overalls. It's kind of what, a lovely representation of the differences in timezone from where they are to us. Though, I'm still not clear whether or not they have to make us guess on who's the husband as well. However, I'm gonna say that I really do have a good hunch about this drama and about the love story. Yep, I'm sailing my ship already who wanna bet? It's going to be one fine amazing one as they have already started it which got me most into it.

You guess, well. I love their poster, I think that it describes, fun, happiness, youth, love, passion, and those were all shown through a captured road-trip if I may say. Then I guess, they look super young and fresh in the present time so I really do have a feeling they were to bring 2013 at least. I would ask for it too, let's not get stuck to 1995 please? (Cheerful smile) Let me mention about the actors, whom I am not really familiar with. The lead girl, Jia En (Kirsten Ren) is pretty, she's a great one to her role. The basketball player and law student whom I will introduce as my crush, who I root for and is obviously my bias Liu Chuang Feng (Lego Li). Then we have the childhood friend who kind of sucked in being a good one, Ren Wei (Jay Shih). I can only mention up until there for now because I'm still confused a lot by their names. Hence, bear with me I'm lazy to research for the cast (grin).

Episode 1: My favorite scene would have to be the scene in the CR for men's dorm, where Liu Chuan helped Jia En to not be found out inside taking a shower by the landlady - who has an strict policy of no girls allowed in an all men's boarding house. It was so freaking IDK, realistic and at the same time breezy pffft? Because it was not overplayed yet there was definitely friction that happened between the two. And in the future, I'm pretty sure that we'll need to revisit that. I mean, it was awkward yet it was not overdone in a sense that there'd be a secondhand embarrassment. In times of awkwardness, we try to hide it as much as possible, right? So for now, the scene won't hold a meaning unless it will be brought back in due time. We'll have to see that.

I love the basketball slash law student guy so much, Liu Chuan. He is the epitome of a nice person, an ideal leading man. I mean, I could sense my knees going weak for him most especially for his personality together with his charms as a bonus. (Spazzy) He really calls me to be a fangirl I guess and the moment is so precious to me because he is so handsome, cute, and all - not an ideal guy but an ideal person to meet for the first time after a very bad day left with expectations. It was so sweet of him I could only sob to myself for submitting alone to this feeling. (L O L at myself) I know this is cheesy and I apologize for that but believe me, he's so gentle, nice, elegant, smart, innocent I could ran out of adjectives to describe him (overused word: nice). Oh well (puts on shade) he's so bright and shiny I could be blinded. However, it was "in a good way", hence: me right now. Smitten. Shy. Heh.

I hope I am more contained in expressing myself. Sorry for being apologetic all the time but I think, you have to give this series a try. The overall setting, the vibes it brings you, the perfect combination of love and friendship are well put together. You have to see for yourself. Wishing that you will like it as well so I could have someone to talk to. (Palm on my face)


  1. hahaha...i love the drama, In a Good Way, too
    i am so bored watching korean dramas, so i go back watching taiwanese drama to re-learn chinese again
    and found In a Good Way drama was really worth my investment of time & internet fee
    yet, i can't believe it's only airing once a week

    i hope you can continue writing your opinions/reviews on this

    1. Hi there! I appreciate that you're the first to comment in my blog, so thank you!

      Of course I'll continue to share my opinion and reviews about this drama - which I consider as a previous gem, a rarity in the Asian drama world right now. It's a bummer that it's not getting as much popularity in international viewers as it has in Taiwan but I'm still giddy of the fact that this is my priority to watch right now. I can relate to how you feel so I'm happy to meet you through my blog! :)

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