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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Review: Rich Man, Poor Woman

In a Nutshell:

A rom-com series that is poised to tackle the more important issues in the story such as the friendship between two individuals who are both inclined of the same interest in the business world. This humanistic drama will take us a ride of emotion through the good memories and bad times.


The story was a pleasant surprise. It's because the title is deceiving me of what I should expect from it though it was expected from j-doramas already that they would never fail to exceed assumptions. I finished the series proudly for 3 days while I'm busy. It's a big thing for me since I've always felt productive after finishing a drama that I was curious about but never really got me interested until 3 days ago.

This drama is a heartfelt story of friendship. But if you are looking forward to the romantic side of the story, then you will not be deprived of it either. As for me, I was satisfied in both aspects.

Okay. I also cried that I felt my heart about to break into pieces. It was such an overwhelming instance for me, I wanted to break down. I saw myself outraged in my own judgment of things, that same feeling I had while watching one of the scenes in Heartless City.

My favorite offerings in this drama would be the fact that it isn't boring, the characters is an entertainment in itself, interesting drama though cliche storyline, very behavioral and value oriented. Adding to that, they portrayed sentimentality.


Toru Hyuga is the engine of a company called "Next Innovation". He co-founded it together with a companion whom he trusted the most in his life, Asahina. Together they went through the harship of building and managing a business. Asahina is someone who would clean up the mess caused by Toru as he is expressive of his feelings and is more approachable to people. On the other hand, Toru is full of air in communicating his feelings, a creative leader and a true innovator. But he has unspoken emotion as he cares for people but never really made it obvious in surface.

Natsui - She is the true innovator in the life of Toru Hyuga. Obviously, she brought some hope in his character as she's been instrumental for him to open up himself to people. Apart from that, she's a hardworking student as she squeeze in looking for jobs to help her family while excelling in her academics. She's bright as well which I thought is the most typical thing to witness from a character that is loved by many.

Overall, I really recommend this drama to everyone because you'd gather so many good values from it. It's to never give up on your dreams and passion; and to never be afraid of change in which innovation is all about - a meaningful one.

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