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Friday, October 4, 2013

Review: Psychic

In a Nutshell: A science fiction drama about two extraordinary individuals. One  is characterized by the power to manipulate others through his monster-like eyeballs while the other has the ability to counteract such beguiling power through his mind.


I watched this movie starring Go Soo and Kang Dong Won to familiar myself more on their works. Both are promising and established actors in Korea that makes this movie deserving to be watched by everyone most especially to someone like myself who's into kdramas. I thought that the genre was interesting as well to be seen so when I came across the opportunity of watching it, I grabbed it with full of anticipation.

The movie caught my attention at this line: "It's not my fault to be born like this. The fact that I'm different from others, you people will never understand. I, too, do not wish to mingle amongst you" which defined Kang Dong Won's character in the film. Aside from that, the mystery surrounding his birth really was the topic I was looking forward to be answered.

If you were to ask me who the real star in the movie is, I would tell you that it was an equal division of airtime and story for both of our leads. Though the demonstration of the story fell short in giving me a further background of their existence. It was only portrayed through a simple expectation of what's coming their way while everything was left unanswered for the sake of keeping the mystery. Since this is a fictional series, I thought that there would be more room for creativity. Because of this, my expectation with the delivery of the reasons for existing was a failure. But, that doesn't mean the movie was a letdown as a whole. I was actually surprised at how it went unpredictable.

What worked on me:

The actors - Let's face it.

Watching Kang Dong Won and Go Soo's movie, what do you expect yourself than to drown in their skillful charms. Most especially that both are two attractive actors and are both expressive in their own craft.

It was a refreshing as well as a fulfillment to watch a drama like this because it's as extraordinary as the characters. You only have this once in a while opportunity to watch such drama. Adding to that, I got introduced to a new genre which was possible to like through this film.

Rating: Very Good

It stirs your thoughts regarding the undertakings of our characters and it will manage to stimulate interest from the viewers I suppose. This kept me going to watch the story. I'm sure everybody would enjoy this one as well despite the all the gloomy and dark atmosphere. 

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