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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Review: Dating Agency Cyrano

Premise: A dating agency that offers service to clients who are hopeful to catch the affection of the other person of their interest known as the target. This entails a process of research about the said person to look further to their background that could favor or benefit the clients' effort in love. This suggests that the instances of their interaction are manipulated by the agency and also, the client.

Characters: Go Min Young entered the Cyrano agency after she left her previous job that was in line with the services and agenda of it. Leading to her decision was because of a case wherein they came across each other and met a conflicting mission that led to Min Young's failure and to Cyrano's victory. On the other hand, perhaps they saw her potential to be with the team, they offered her to work with them. Later on, she accepted their offer and eventually worked for Cyrano despite of her being the only girl.

Continuation: Halftime Report

Seo Byung Hoon is the team leader of the Cyrano that holds the full function and responsibility for the team in order to continue and to fulfill the success of every mission that they have to pursue. He has still remained as a bachelor despite coming past the ideal age of marriage. This is the cause of him being secretive of his feelings to the person he had loved in the past and that because he wanted to make way for others first before him. A close friend of his, whom was a co-founder of the agency, prevented his chances to express his feelings to the woman they both loved.


Guys, I haven't really finished the series. How is that? But I'm doing a review anyway because I've seen enough already I suppose.

I personally loved the chase of Min Young for true love which is in contrary to her job that is, setting up dates between couples or something like that. She really is an advocate of love, however speaks the other way around about her job. How are you suppose find true love within that kind scenario though? I don't think that's possible, at least for me. But then, I loved how the series established in itself which I thought stirred my feelings for a bit. It was cute, smart, fun, and silly in some aspect.

I would have the following recommendations though. I find the middle part of the story which is the case of the nurse and the fireman a bit boring. I slowed down from watching those episodes and I actually thought of dropping the show because of that. They should have cut that part and they would have performed better to me.

Plus, I really wanted the role of Hong Jong Hyun to step up from being a supporting role. Perhaps, he would fit the love triangle in the drama. Because he's young and he's at the right age to match the character of Soo Young.

Despite of his pro skills in acting, Lee Jong Hyuk wouldn't be my first choice for the male leading role. I thought, someone younger would fit his role better. I have no right to complain that much about it though because it can't be altered anymore.

Good things: 

I love the j-do vibes of it, probably because of Soo Young sporting the lose outfits in the drama that sets a perfect example of Japan's fashion trend. Probably, it was inspired by her real life role in SJJD who has an actual experience being in Japan. That kind of vibe from her connected to me. I don't know, I maybe the only one. 

My favorite mission:

The case of RX Ray (Taemin) and the class president. It was because of Joo Yoon Woo being part of the story. He should have more exposure though because he's cute and a flower boy like Hong Jong Hyun. I'm being superficial, I guess. Regardless of that, I stand firm on it. I was really rooting for him, from start to end. However, the ending saddened me a bit.

Rating: Average

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