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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

To my first love...

Taking a break from my drama reviews, I decided to make a post about my first love which is music.

Music is a universal language but ever since I found my love for it, my choices have always been totally different from the usual. However, it's not a choice really, it's fate! I was caught in a situation where I found myself happier with things like these. Nonetheless, of course, I still listen to music from my native language and from my second one which is English. My choices have made people question my preferences but as much as possible, I don't want to get affected by what people think of me and I think that's the best way to respond with the question (haha).
Though, really, it's no big deal to me so I shake it off and I walk away without having to answer. What is important is that I do what pleases me most and I'm sure that I'm not alone in this, I have people with whom I can relate to regarding these issues so I'm just really thankful for their presence in my life and on the internet. I guess, this is one of the toughest path for me because first, it's not easy and not everyone would understand but more than anything, through these choices that I've made in my life, I feel really proud of myself. Sometimes, you'd really have to please yourself more than anyone to be truly happy and I am one of the living proof to that (grin). It has given me a chance to be true to myself regardless of my shortcomings, I am the type of person who needs time to get used to in a situation and I don't push myself into something or circumstances that won't benefit my life. Call me choosy but dude if you don't know what you want then at least know what you don't so that it's easier for you to cope. Though, I may have to mention I'm not perfect and I have a hard time in making quick decisions in my life and everything just needs to be sure before I act and do something, meaning I'm socially awkward but anyway haha it's already given and irreversible and I can't help it. Sometimes I think there's something wrong with me because I tend to be misunderstood a lot which I am aware of, I can't even...

Since it seems that I have time for this, that's why I'm here! I really hope this would guide everyone to finding their own happiness even if it's not through music; but by being a true influence to themselves. Let's make it a better world by being happy and at the same time accepting our differences, shall we?

In time with this post, July 2013 marks the 6th year of my youtube account, well in those years I can say that I couldn't survive my college degree if it wasn't for fangirling with the help of youtube. Through it, I've been introduced to countless of amazing artists from Japan, Korea and all other parts of the globe so I'm grateful for the easier access to music which is made possible by youtube! Because of this, I went back to the videos that I've favorited and liked over the years to share them here. I hope you check them out! /smiley/

If You Comeback - Gummy

Missing You - Fly to the Sky

Goldfish Song - Kina Grannis

Gil - g.o.d

I'm Like A Bird - Nelly Furtado

Lazy Sunday Morning - Clazziquai 

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