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Monday, July 1, 2013

Review: A Werewolf Boy

Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Family
Release Date: October 31, 2012


Song Joong Ki - Chul Soo
Park Bo Young - Soon Yi / Eun Joo


This is a story of a werewolf that has a physical attribute that of a human being. However, his behavior is in the likeness of his identity. One day, he appeared out of nowhere at the yard of a house where Soon Yi's family are the newly transferred residents. They relocated themselves in the village far from the city as advised by the doctor of hers due to her weak lung condition. She is to stay at home where she could do self study for exam qualifications.

They reported the case of Chul Soo, the werewolf boy to the authorities. But for the mean time, while the authorities investigate and are looking for a better place for him to stay, and since the family are the first to find out about him, they had to take over the role of being his guardian. 

At first, they were troubled on how to deal with his eating habits, personal hygiene and his overall behavior as he can't converse and express himself to people. Looking at how helpless the situation can become, Soon Yi can no longer ignore him. Therefore she made a research on how to deal with creatures like Chul Soo in order to modify his behaviors. As she was successful in implementing her plan through one of her techniques which is, showing him how she could get hurt if he'll not listen to her command "wait", it served as an opportunity for them to get closer. After  listening, Soon Yi gave her positive reinforcements like caressing his hair for a job well done and Chul Soo has learned to love the complement. It has made him more responsible as he and Soon Yi developed a pet-master relationship. Here then starts a very harmonious connection of the family together with the neighborhood with the werewolf boy.


Chul soo is a werewolf, a very adorable and kind pet if I may consider. Given a chance, it would be my pleasure to take care of a smart, loving and affectionate pet like him. In the film, he has shown his willingness to learn which made me go gaga over him along with his very angelic face ~ that which is contrary of being a beast ~ and because of that, I was guilty of ogling on him too much (Hee!Hee!). Going back to the story, the connection between him and Soon Yi developed beyond something that is between a pet-owner relationship. It was shown through the gradual growth of their friendship. In realization, it is a complicated state of reality and I already suspected that I had to prepare myself for a heartbreak in the end. However, it will be worth it definitely if you'll give this a chance. The story is sad but I regret nothing even though I had to hurt my heavy eyes from crying too much. I didn't know it was that painful for the lacrimal gland to secrete tears. (damn)

source: hatsuuaki

No matter how irrational it is for us to accept the greater understanding to creatures like Chul Soo, we can't deny that we're just merely a higher form of being in reference to his identity. But that doesn't give us the power to be superior over anyone. Our existence is blessed with the ability to think rationally, express our feelings to someone, and behave as a human. However, instead of using those abilities to be a better person, most of the time we take advantage of it. As a result, we lose faith in each other and we create an individualistic version of truth rather than to deal with the problem which is the reality. Anyhow, these profound elements don't always apply to everyone as we see and perceive things differently.

Reflecting on the film, I thought this is a very capable story and everyone must pay attention to it. Definitely one of the best written stories that represents a lot of values to learn from. It communicates without having to say much and creates possibilities with nothing much to hold unto. You become happy by the moments that are only temporary and despite of the 'non existent' forever, you don't regret a minute of the memories you shared. As you look forward to the future, you are more thankful of your past. Being special, creative and a breath of fresh air to people like me who didn't expect much in this film, surprisingly, there is no way that it is predictable; and as I built my curiosity along the way, I knew I just made the right choice to watch it.

Comment on the actors:

Expect a lot from Song Joong Ki and Park Bo Young 'cause they will not fail to deliver. I was so pleased by their chemistry together and I thought that they looked so good as a pair. Obviously, this has made me a bigger fan of Song Joong Ki as I saw a different facet of him as an actor. I love how tender he is with his characterization (squeal).

Favorite Scene: I CAN'T SPOIL IT. BREAKS MY HEART!!! T___T


To provide more satisfaction to the viewers, you won't miss the humor in this film if you are thinking you could miss itout. It's one of those that will leave its mark on the viewers. I cried so much until I could only feel the pain in my eyes and no longer feel it in my heart. MUST WATCH!!!

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