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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Review: Secret Garden

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Genre: Romance, Comedy, Fantasy, Melodrama
Release Date: November 13, 2010

This drama is a very special series to me because it marks my comeback to K-drama land in 2010 after a long time of being into Japanese dramas. At the same time, it provided me other avenues for fangirling as I was so depressed over the downward spiral of what I consider as my ultimate fandom which is TVXQ's (don't worry I feel a lot better now). This sharing is nothing related to what Secret Garden is all about but I feel like telling this to everyone anyway because I want to go back to those special moments while watching Secret Garden and to help me reminisce of those precious times.

The story depicts the world of human beings wherein we are being categorized by class: rich or poor. This human eccentric law has challenged both of our leading characters to either justify or raise a bid for a question mark. Initially, nature would dictate that both are secured by their realities which are opposite and reluctant to making a difference in this world. No one would go down from their high horses as one is equipped with money and prestige while the other lives in dignity and pride. Fantasies remain impossible as it is built with a huge wall that separates both worlds, without even trying to break such hindrance to make way for understanding and compromise with each other.

Kim Joo Won is a rich kid, claustrophobic due to an accident in his childhood which you will find out sooner,  and an attractive but an arrogant young man due to his attitude representing his personality. He is the heir of a company owned by his family and has a superstar cousin who's like a brother to him. They fight out of silly things despite of being old enough to be mature; and love competing for childish gains. By chance, he met Gil Ra Im as he had mistaken her as another woman. She is a huge fan of Joo Won's cousin, Oska and has sharp and extraordinary skills in martial arts given that she is a stunt woman; and through her talent, it bewitched Joo Won in their first encounter. Even though it wasn't a pleasant one, it definitely formulated some potion of magic for him. As days went by, he has lived in his crazy hallucinations of Ra Im's presence by his side but in fact, he's just daydreaming about her. That drove Joo Won like a lunatic stalker of hers and went around like a clingy child vying for her attention over being productive.

Problem arose when in one particular scene which I remember has escalated the emotions of both of them. Ra Im met Joo Won in a bar while being dressed up inappropriately with her outdated fashion sense; even worse, her bag was supported by safety pins which still didn't manage to prevent it from tearing off. To be honest, I can't bare to see her that way too because it is a very awkward situation not to mention that she tried; however, it needs to be addressed even though it ended up into such an upsetting fight between the two. Frankly speaking, I quite understood where Joo Won was coming from because Ra Im, regardless of her fortune should beg herself to become a woman like her age. I myself hates self pity and I don't think being an unfortunate child serves as an excuse to put yourself down in front of others. You are fixed by your beliefs that putting your pride by being a follower of your own standard over everything else would make you a better person but in reality, it's as if putting your chances of becoming a better person an impossible thing to achieve. To her defense though, Joo Won was being an insolent brat in confronting the issue to her as he doesn't take accounts of the feelings of others and he'll make you perceive yourself like a miserable product of human standards.

In this episode, the element of fantasy needed to interfere in order to give the characters a chance to get a better view of their circumstances that is only possible by living in each others' worlds which you will relate to later on (I won't spoil). I guess this has opened an opportunity for both to take advantage of their situation so that they will understand where each of them is coming from. 


Given by its the genre, it's a fantasy series and surprisingly, this element is something that I am thankful of. Secret Garden wouldn't materialize without this I believe and it has made the series more interesting and entertaining. I think this would probably be a recommendation to everyone as this series isn't choosy with the type of audience it wants to attract. One of the few dramas which I think is tolerable in general and I've got nothing to say about its down side; though it's still not a perfect series but almost. It has got to be half fun, half drama and half values meaning you will get various treats from it without being bored or lectured upon.

My Rating:

Hyun Bin - This oppa is mine! This is not a  joke (lol!). I bet everyone goes gaga over him after watching this series and if you haven't watched it, you're so lucky because I went through 3 years in his fandom, 2 years of which is when he was in the army so I'm so jealous of those who doesn't have to miss him that much like me. However, he's back now and I'm so glad and excited with his comeback series which will hopefully happen soon! He's a perfection, I have no words except for praises for this oppa. (aegyo)

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