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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Review: A Moment to Remember

Release Date: November 5, 2004
Genre: Romance, Melodrama

Jung Woo Sung - Cheol Su
Son Ye Jin - Su Jin


Probably dying is not the most fearful thing in the world, neither is fear of suffering; as it was portrayed in this movie, it is losing yourself and the world through your own sense of being. Not that it's just as simple as acquiring a sickness but it is the elimination of your precious memories throughout your life. Though there are cases wherein we also need to clear our minds from pollutants in order to give ourselves a momentary rest from the world. However, this case is the worst because you gradually forget the person that you are and the people whom you love as the disease takes its power over your life. 

The story revolved around a rare case of Alzheimer's Disease in the early adulthood. Cheol Su and Su Jin was only starting their lives as a married couple when they found out her condition which has caused them huge adjustments in life and plans for the future. Being sentenced of death through your own sickness is even worse than an abrupt ending of it. It exhausts the remaining wisdom upon you while the acceptance of your disease is just as helpless as getting better. Trust me, I went through spiritual reflections while watching this film as I internalize each of the characters' point of view to get a gist of their position. Undoubtedly, they went through an emotional train-wreck period from the beginning till the end.


Was there a case of you wherein you are supposed to get something in your room but then you ended up forgetting it in just a short while? You didn't even realize it until it frustrates you. This happens often in our comfort zones such as our homes wherein our guards are down and perhaps we can be easily distracted by our environment. In this situation, forgetfulness is nothing serious and is just a normal thing to get by; anyhow, these instances can still trigger some bad hormones. What more in a worse case scenario if not the worst? Like for an Alzheimer's patient, they are usually forgetful of the things stored subconsciously such as names, directions, dates, and other things that are familiar to them. Imagine yourself being in a position wherein you feel like your memory is being slowly burnt within you and you can't do anything about it other than accepting your condition which can either be a hopeful thing or a giving up. 

Spiritual Reflections:

In this film and in application to real life cases, I believe that surrender is the main key to acceptance. Surrender is leaving it all up to God's mighty hands as there are things in life that we can't change; and even our fate could not dictate. He has his reasons of our sufferings which are better than our own understanding of the situation. The best there is to do is to let him guide you and be your number one source of strength. These things wouldn't be possible without your faith in Him so I learned though this film that your faith in all of your circumstances will save you from all of your troubles.

My Rating:

I remember exactly my doubts on this film as the synopsis is spoiling it already; however, you'd have to see this film in order to have a better understanding of what took place in the lives of the characters that kept my eyes all wet. By just looking at the poster, you get the idea of it but not everything about this movie I promise. You shall experience it once you watch it. The scenes together with the melodramatic melodic soundtrack will mostly likely be instrumental for everyone to appreciate it even more. 

The Actors:

I've always admired both of them, Jung Woo Sung and Son Ye Jin though I am less familiar with their projects individually. I just know that this movie is one of their best out there. Their talent as actors is already evident through their movie poster as I consider it as one of the most dramatic movie posters; and an approach that draws people to watch.

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