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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Review: Chuno

Genre: Period, Drama, Action, Romance
Release Date: January, 2010

The story followed the life of Lee Dae Gil, a slave hunter that holds a painful memory of the past. he used to be a young master of a household until one of their servants, the brother of the woman he cared for (Un Nyun) put the household on fire, killing the family members except for the young master who was left with a mark on the left side of his face due to the intentional course of event. This caused Lee Dae Gil to seek revenge to the siblings by trailing his ex-lover whom he believed abandoned him. On their next encounter, Un Nyun no longer exist as she changed her identity as Kim Hye Won.


Previous Posts: (Spazz & Spoilers

The sky is the limit for this series if not limitless. By the actors itself, you can see that they were not simply chosen because of their ability to act but also by their martial arts skills. I'm not a huge fan of dramatic slow motion effects but Chuno is an exception to that probably because it was able to bring great visuals for the actors, everyone really looked amazing and the editing of the effects is subtle but like in a very natural way. I can see that the director is a perfectionist on that aspect of the series and because they have a lot of action packed scenes, that could have been really exhausting but everything turned out amazing. Another highlight aside from the great effects and visuals is the scenery most especially when they do a full terrain from the mountain which you don't mostly see in Korean drama series especially to the low budgeted ones. But more than that, I really commend their consistency to show quality scenes in every episode. (I totally fell in love with Korean countryside because of that, even more than when I was watching 1N2D Season 1). Adding to the visuals, they also made the characterization of the casts more effective through the well thought costumes and make up. How else could this series be more perfect? This series is never boring and will never fail to surprise you as well which is a given thing to k-dramas by the expected twists. However, Chuno is something special because you wouldn't know the next thing to come and just when you expect something, it will not give it to you. Such a tease!

Aside from these things that I mentioned, I can just go on and on talking about the characters as well and how everyone seemed to be familiar to me now. They really had a great casting from the main characters up to those who were given little roles and down to the extras. The director were not biased as everyone had been given justice through their portrayals with dignity. What I noticed though is that to those who can't execute difficult fight scenes, they were given a gun (which they use to attack) but in a very traditional way and everyone had to practice how to shoot the guns, how scary it must have been to them (those were the ahjusshi's) so I just understood then (guns can't possibly invented during that era). Paying attention to those details, this drama is really creative in most parts. I was really blown away by the thought of it. 

Do I need to talk about the characters? *nods* 

I start off first with Lee Dae Gil as one of the slave hunters, aside from his ruthless new beginnings, he found himself anew throughout his journey. As much as he's hateful at first, you'll eventually fall for his soft spot and sympathize with him in the end. Others may as well relate to the drastic change that happened to him and will try to understand where he is coming from. One thing is that you don't pity him for what he's gone through because it has made him a stronger person. (I still pity the young master though. I'm glad he bounced back and found himself a new family)

source: waitingforlaundry 

General Choi and Wang Son as comrades of Lee Dae Gil, together they form a trio of slave hunters. Their brotherhood more than anything else really touched me. I remember an episode that I profusely cried because of their friendship and you couldn't imagine how happy I could be to see these three together. Such an engaging friendship they have. General Choi who usually is the mature one in the group and while his machismo is evident, he never fails to give them his words (advises) and reminders. As the youngest, Wang Son is a happy-go-lucky kid. He may be stubborn and childish but he knows how listen when things get serious.

Through their journey, they tagged along a ran away singer from a group of entertainers, Sul Hwa. She is a very talented girl and she used that to persuade her orabeonni (older brothers) to live with them and promised to serve them through the tasks that Wang Son usually does as a maknae (youngest). These two are so adorable most especially when they are bickering out of small things.  Sul Hwa (Kim Ha Eun) was a revelation to me. I'm not familiar with this actress but I can say that she's one of the gems in this series. She'll entertain you, make you laugh and at the same time cry. As much as leading role is not for her, she really shined best in her supporting role.

source: itsdrama

Song Tae Ha (right) is one of the good guys in this series but I really looked forward to him going up against Lee Dae Gil as his character was put in a pedestal where no one can beat his swordsmanship and skills. He used to be a military general of the late crown prince but then debilitated because he was forced to claim a sin he did not commit. In order to survive and come back, he needed to conform with the accusations on him. I'm really glad to have him in this series so he could challenge our hero. Whose skills would triumph between a slave and a slave hunter?

source: goldilion

Kim Hye Won (Un Nyun) is really a pretty woman. No wonder men would go crazy over her. Of course her role is important and just submissive as to what the director wants which could be annoying but then you have to accept her role. Without her, these slave hunters wouldn't exist.  And just by these thoughts, I could forgive her. It's just, the circumstances are hateful in itself.

And the young prince who stole my attention most when I should be looking at the subs, I found myself smitten by this kiddo! *huggles* 

OST: They were able to bring out the best out of the scenes through these amazing tracks. My favorites would have to be the Gloomy 30 which they play during the action packed scenes and Stigma by Im Jae Bum which is about the painful memory of the past. You can BUY their OST for only $13.99!

Overall: Undoubtedly, this is one of the best dramas I've seen so far and I consider this one of my favorites now as well. I came up with a conclusion that the x-factor would have to come from the commulative effort of the actors (the well thought casting), the writers, the director, the staff and crew, the whole production team in general; it must have been a really hard but fulfilling team work.

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