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Monday, June 17, 2013

Recap and Spoilers: Chuno The Slave Hunters Episode 13

Yesterday I finally managed to continue watching Chuno from epsiode 9 to episode 13. Considering that I find this series exceptional, I should have finished this by now if only real life commitment doesn't get in the way. Anyhow, I think it's worth it to stretch this series while I'm busy not only because it makes me really look forward to everyday entertainment but also I have this kind of attachment to not putting an end to this series. <sadface> While I appreciate Jang Hyuk through this series, I thought it would be really nice to make a much deserved JANG HYUK APPRECIATION POST

You probably have an idea now how crazy I am with Chuno (The Slave Hunters) or perhaps you think I'm biased which I will agree at some point but not as a whole. I guess, I wouldn't be doing this if I think that it's just a waste of time or that it's anything ordinary to even matter. Much from these persuasions of how qualified Jang Hyuk is for this entry, I will relate to you how he has revealed to me what I have been missing all these years.

Not to spoil you of course, I will only be talking about a particular scene. However, I believe that this scene is really important to all the viewers and is one of the much awaited events in the series so I would suggest for you to stop reading from here. Believe me, it's not that you'll lose interest or anything but refraining from reading the things from here will make you enjoy the series more if you have plans of watching it.

SPOILERS ahead!!!

Jang Hyuk as Daegil, the slave hunter on the purpose of trailing his ex-lover Eun Yeun portrayed by Lee Da Hae, that cheerful lady from that k-drama series My Girl, whose character is now engaged to the ex military general, the late Crown Prince' right hand man, Son Tae Ha played by Oh Ji Hoo.

Finally in this episode, Daegil saw Eun Yeun, the reason of everything he's been through, the woman who holds the answer to his future. As expected, my hero has transformed in this episode. From a ruthless slave hunter, he decided to drop that risky and cruel job to finally start over living the quiet and settled life. Probably he had come to his senses that Eun Yeun will not comeback so it's time to move on and peacefully let her go. That is rather different from his initial plans which made me thought how painful it must have been for him that only with the sight of Eun Yeun would incapacitate him of the Daegil he journeyed along for the past 5-6 years.


Look at his glaring eyes upon seeing Eun Yeun smiling dearly with her soon-to-be husband. 

Daegil, after his attempt to ruin everything, surrendered as he felt defeated and weakened by his feelings which is buried in his heart.
<Omo! I felt like there was a hurricane of unfounded emotions inside me. I can't describe it but I was sure, I felt his pain through his body language.>

The sight of him staring blankly is just heart breaking! :'(

While the wedding ceremony was being held, look at this kid smiling cutely which you can't resist but adore. Anyway, he's the son of the late crown prince which Eun Yeun and Son Tae Ha, the husband, devote to protect for the rest of their marriage life.

I adore you so much! <3

Moving on to this scene, I thought ahhh, this will be the first and only time I will allow you to cry for her. Please cry it all out and forget the painful past you've been carrying with you all this time. I ask this because you may not know I've had my share of carrying that burden with you and because I just want to see you happy.

This is the drawn picture of Eun Yeun he's been carrying with him for the past 5-6 years in his search for her.

From this moment, I thought Jang Hyuk as an actor never existed. This is not Jang Hyuk portraying Daegil. I was so convinced that it was Daegil coming to life and not portrayed by anyone. 

Damn, no one could have done this better than he himself, Daegil.

People surrounded him as he painfully shouted his heavy heart that suffered for a long time.

I can't get over how was I able to feel the pain without crying. Looking at him just made me felt bad and sorry for this complicated world we live. No matter how much goodness that is within you, when you are hurt, you no longer know how to use it to go after the future you've dreamed and wanted. Furthermore, you lose sight of that dream to stay alive if not to make others go through the same hell you've been into. Then, after rebuilding yourself, you suddenly lose everything because of the person that made you this way. 

That is the weakness of a human heart but in this episode, Daegil was able to pull himself out of the darkness which makes me really proud of him. I admire the strength he's shown.


Last night, I quite made an argument with myself while watching. The thing about it is that I knew it was pointless to even consider it but the thing is Daegil made it possible for me to think otherwise! I was unbelievably confused whether I was witnessing Jang Hyuk in portrayal of Daegil or was Daegil the real Jang Hyuk since the day. I can't believe I welcomed the thought of maybe Daegil is the reality in the life of the actor Jang Hyuk which is why he acts natural and effective. And because I've developed such delusion in my mind, I had to pause to compose myself with the reality that it's Jang Hyuk who is instrumental in making Daegil come to life and not just a character he's portraying. That's how insanely good this guy is.

I came to a point where I made a research of this guy and learned a lot of things about his projects including Windstruck (I didn't know) and Tree With Deep Roots (I feel really stupid I didn't recognize him) and a lot of other projects I'm now planning to watch except for IRIS 2. <Haha, do I need to mention that?> I also read that he was nominated in the Best Actor category for this series at the Emmy Awards. That's huge! I wish he could have won because I know he's just as deserving as the winner in my opinion. He was also a taekwondo master in the past which I think is amazing, no wonder Daegil is sharp in his moves which works well with special effects.

I guess this ends my short sharing about Jang Hyuk and Daegil with you. Thanks for having a share of my joys!! 

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