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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Fan Account: CN Blue Press Conference in Megamall

I'm not the biggest fan of CN Blue but I was there when these guys first started. They've grown and reinvented themselves a lot as a band from that time so the transition that took place in their music career is probably still  unknown to most people even to their fans. Back when the streets was their main stage as an alternative indie band, I believe that it was their prime as a musician. They used to produce music as CN Blue which is totally different from kpop that they ventured in. Unfortunately, I didn't sustain myself to follow their music career as their followers doubled when Yong Hwa took his first acting role in You're Beautiful together with Jang Geun Suk and Park Shin Hye. 

At the MC part of the event, Ate Kring was asking the contestants what they would want to say to their favorite CN Blue member so I was thinking of an answer if I were asked the same question. I would tell them something like this: "How long has it been since our first encounter? I'm not sure but because I've seen you then, I'm glad to meet you like this."

Luckily, yesterday was a free day to me and my friend so in such a short notice, we decided to check out CN Blue's Press Conference in Megamall for their concert here in Manila. I tagged along Mare with us for her to witness this kpop event as an experience. We arrived in Mega by 10:15am, the earliest time we can manage, clueless of where the presscon will exactly be held. Fortunately, we were led by fangirls screaming and running towards the crowd waiting to be settled.

We could have stayed at the lower ground to fall in line but we decided to check upper ground for a place for us to wait. My friend and I wanted JongHyun's side so we settled left side of the stage.

By 1PM, the crowd starts to behave wildly as it thickens. 2-3 more hours of waiting...

Where I managed myself to squeeze into. The spot we were trying to secure for the past 4-5 hours. WTH!!

This is the host of the event, Ate Kring, giving instructions to take one step backward or else the boys would be scared with the view of fangirls. The crowd gets more and more scary by the minute and from above, you can see a lot of pushing that happens at the barricade.

The program started with games where fangirls can win tickets to CN Blue's concert and a lot of other prizes. The games included the one with the most facts known about CN Blue, the one who can hold her breath for the longest time, bring me and lastly it requires fast body mechanics to "CN" and "Blue" if you know the game from Willie Revillame's program. After 2 games, Ate Kring asked if they want more games then the crowd said "NO" and started to chant "CN BLUE"

After countless of false alarms, this is finally it. I thought... "Run!!! Fast!!! Boys!!!" 

As the crowd gets excited, I was covering my ears because I thought my eardrums are going to break from their screams. I was starting to get annoyed as well because of the behavior that they showed, it's so barbaric! I was so calm at the presence of CN Blue but I was caught into getting worked up with the crowd. Really. Geez......

Here are the closest pictures me and my friend managed to take. I was shouting "Jong Hyun Jong Hyun Jong Hyun" while taking these pictures. LOL. Unfortunately, I have astigmatism and I had a hard time zooming in Jong Hyun's glorious face and that is quite saddening. I should have brought my eyeglasses with me. 

Furthermore, I wasn't able to catch the Q&A because the crowd with me is really stressful. I just laughed at some people who went in between fangirl legs just to get a glimpse of CN Blue. LOL.

Jinri and Gretchen Fullido were also present at the presscon.


The crowd also sang happy birthday to Yong Hwa and I didn't know he was a June baby.

After 20-30 minutes, the presscon ended. CN Blue must have been overwhelmed by the crowd because even the ones who aren't familiar with KPOP joined in thus it went crazier. 

Gladly, the boys managed to outrun the crowd as they went to their van. Ninjas!
Overall, the moment was fleeting.

<Ensue growling stomach>
Let's move on and eat!

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