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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Review: Twenty Again

This romantic drama offering of tvN is probably one of my favorites this year because first of all, my expectations were met and the actors didn’t fail to deliver. Well, what do I expect from veterans like Choi Ji Woo as Ha No Ra, Lee Sang Yoon as Cha Hyun Suk and Choi Won Young as Kim Woo Chul? However, the rookie actors also excelled in their respective roles for instance, Kim Min Jae as Kim Min Soo and Son Na Eun as Oh Hye Mi where they played as a young couple. Basically it is a story of a relationship on the rocks which is due to the differences between a married couple, Ha No Ra and Kim Woo Chul. The backstory will show that they have failed to grow and to communicate because they eloped at a young age. One day, Ha No Ra decided to go back to school again full of hope to save the marriage with her husband, given the proper education and qualifications. Unexpectedly, she met a high school friend, Cha Hyun Suk wherein at first they showed angst towards each other. However, due to certain circumstances, Cha Hyun Suk will treat Ha No Ra to make her university life the best experience ever.


One of the best parts of this series is the fact that it brings so much entertainment yet it doesn’t compromise the sequencing and character development. Ha No Ra is a simple, timid and devoted housewife and even though she is the focus of the drama, the supporting characters didn’t left her in times of trouble which made it more realistic when she finally realized her worth as a woman and most importantly, as a person. I think that empowerment was the key for her to break free from all the sufferings she’s had in her life.

Cha Hyun Suk, a producer and professor is one of the helping hands and shoulders to lean on when Ha No Ra was at her lowest point. He’s a bachelor and obviously, girls would flock on him due to his incessant charisma and personality. Ha No Ra is his first love and she was a good friend back in highschool. Even when he loathe her for leaving her grandmother who died when she was in Germany with her husband, he still couldn’t leave her alone. After years have gone by, they met by chance and from there started a beautiful, romantic, friendly and youthful relationship.

The drama brings so much emotions to viewers, and personally even though I’m not on their age bracket, I still get butterfly in my stomach when they fight with each other. It also manages to make me look back to my high school years and reminisce the beauty and memory of friendship that you can only find in school. Well, it also inspires you to learn as well and create a passion for yourself. The concept of well-dying was also talked about in this drama after Ha No Ra was supposedly diagnosed to have pancreatic cancer. Cha Hyun Suk talked about it on the radio and it became a motivation for Ha No Ra to pursue college despite supposedly being diagnosed with a terminal disease.

However, the lightness despite a heavy premise in the drama is something to watch out for since comedy is also one of its finest elements.

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