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Monday, March 17, 2014

In A Good Way Episode 16

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I haven't found any In A Good Way episode as fascinating as this one. The peers of both Jia En and Liu Chuan were both really curious about the progress of their relationship at this early stage. Hence, they talked about the "bases" to which Jia En responded blankly and Xiao Wei as a "baseball game?". Then Bai Xue is discovered to haven't been kissed in her life while Tracy is really the liberated or shall I say the perverted friend. Anyhow, I love the diversity of everyone's characters because it means that they could provide something into the group that is special and supplementary to others. Meanwhile, the boys, A Qing and Ri Qi are naughty talking about the bases with Liu Chuan wherein he responded "love is not a baseball game" which was smart. The principle of "LiuChuanism" is something that I really admire and that will never wither. Not just because it's a responsible foundation for any relationship but because it's rational and thinking independently. Him saying that when a situation comes, he's confident to act according to his own judgment. Anyhow, I find the whole execution part of the scenes amusing because it is still considered as innocent and a childlike one compared to the real thing. But another thing is given to this drama, it's hilarious!

This episode is Ren Wei's, I could sense his frustration over himself that affects his relationship with his dad - who is triggering by the way. The two are very impulsive in their action and words that it overshadows their good intention towards each other. Though you may know where the two are coming from, there is no reconciliation anytime soon which I hope would not be long stretched. Moreover, I think that Jia En's relationship has pre-occupied him more than anything, and for one instance, he named his tamagotchi as JN which means "Joan" - JE's english name. Also, he was afloat while Ah Di and Jacky was selling the tamagotchis. But seriously? We found a different facet of his personality in this episode, and that is because he's diverted his attention to Jia En. I love how honest he is in talking to Bai Xue regarding his feelings, and how he sets the difference between her and JE. Though no offense to her, because she's as much deserving; but he was speaking from the heart which is why she said that getting to know him over again would be interesting. This led me to be firm in my conclusion that my favorite character is Bai Xue because of how complex that she's went through yet despite that, she rose above them.

Bai Xue comes of as a mature person, the type of person who looks shady or doubtful at first but when you get to know her more, she's far beyond of what is expected. Let me put it this way: the kindest person is the one who's been hurt the most and that should explain where her positive disposition comes which is spread around.

Verdict: Not my favorite episode but I love the development of the characters and the variety of things that this episode offered. Watching from the BTS, I can say that the director is really involved in the mechanics of their acting, which is always the case but I've always thought that he's done a tremendous job in capturing the facial expressions of everyone and on how he's able to make the atmosphere feel light with a range of heavy. This is a very flexible episode, one thing you find someone heartbroken, then channeling towards comedy. So, be prepared to feel all these kind of emotion.

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