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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

In A Good Way Episode 14


Episode 14 is a disappointing episode to me because I didn't expect the consequences after consequences that happened. Though it is possible, I feel that it was an act to finally force the development of the OTP. I'm happy for those two and those fans who were pleased in this episode. But I'm indifferent in my thoughts because I simply did not want this kind of romantic confession to be overdone which you will be seeing in the latter part of this episode. To be honest, I wasn't paying attention because everything was just so cheesy and it goes against the subtleness of this series. However, I know it's about time but I believe that they could have done a better job in letting Liu Chuan know what Jia En really feels. Furthermore, I felt kind of irritated at Liu Chuan in this episode because he was just really stupid - for leaving the treasure hunt club with no explanation in the midst of chaos. Because of that, I wanted to join Bai Xue and Ren Wei in cursing him from behind. Do you believe that love really makes you irrational? This is proven to be the same case to Liu Chuan because he wanted to save Jia En but at the same time, turned his back to his friends. He's annoying, isn't he?
Therefore, I finally conclude that Bai Xue is my favorite character in this drama as far as how she did in this episode is concerned. She's a much matured person and she never loses her mind in the midst of her own issues. She knows how to pick herself up each time she feels down, a very independent woman and a very reliable person - for she admitted how little she can do for the club without Liu Chuan. However, in the end, she accepted the responsibility of leading the org and she even came up with an idea how to raise money for a cause. She does have plenty of admiring qualities, isn't she? Even though, she is rejected by love, she did not self-pitied and instead, saved her friendship with both Liu Chuan and Jia En. Though I am not blaming the feelings of the two for each other, Bai Xue just really shines in her way for these instances.

This may be a surprising review from me because I've always expressed appreciation to this drama until this one came. But, this is to let you know, I have been making objective reviews in this drama. Another thing, this episode failed to make me laugh or to amuse me - care of the supporting leads, Ah Di or Jacky or even Ren Wei. Instead, I felt really sorry to Ren Wei because he's torn between staying as a good friend to Jia En and figuring out his feelings. I hope he just stops there - you know what I mean and not further study his emotion. Anyway, that's just my wishful stance from me because it's not worth it. He should go back to obsessing over Bai Xue.

Verdict: From my own opinion, this episode is nothing but cheesiness and overdone especially on the latter part. But for Liu Chuan and Jia En's anticipators, yes, the girl made a move to knock the heart (I wish the wit) of the guy. Guy was touched by the gesture; girl was pleased of the response. In the next episode, will they be able to say yes to each other? Dun dun dun..

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