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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

'Let's Eat' Episode 2 - 3

In conclusion, I have this and 'In A Good Way' as dramas to watch this season. It's a painful pleasure to wait every week for both to be aired. However, the advantage is that it gives me a leeway for enjoyment as there is no pressure to watch two episodes which pretty much is a work and in some cases, boring. I think that I was lucky to find these two shows because 1st, I am going hardcore with 'In A Good Way' but of course I needed something that is simple and easy to enjoy to not let myself go crazy about a single drama. You'll understand it in the context of entertainment, this show only runs for 45 minutes and aside from that, I feel like this is an appetizer to the food I eat. No pressure, it only boils passion with food.
Episode 2: 

Yoon Do Joon (Go Dae Young) has really gotten himself a role, I mean, though his character is on the mysterious side, I think that in the long run, he will come to light. Though I am not sure if a loveline is possible in this drama because I have not seen a hint yet but it's okay, I don't need it for the show, but for the growth of someone vital in character, maybe. Well I'm pertaining to Lee Soo Kyung who is a lawyer but doesn't make herself look like one in front of food. Then one day, she woke up to having new neighbors that were unexpectedly nosy. Then there started the inevitable interaction that happens in the neighborhood. She wished otherwise though. But then, she can't help but be bothered of the presence and business of others too. She only wanted privacy, her dog barasshi in her company and of course, food after a stressful course of work.

Speaking of work, another character was introduced, a lawyer who seems to be a narcissist and self centered but his attraction to someone is visible with his actions. Hmm, we still need to get to know who this man is and what his prospects are.

On the other hand, kiddo Yoon Jin Yi is falling for Dae Young oppa and is waiting for an answer. Aww, I saw that coming but still, she's too young to be serious about love. I believe that her maturity is deeper than what she has shown to other people though and most of the time, she is misunderstood. Hence, sometimes I really feel sorry for her. It's not a sin to be pretty and rich. Anyway, I hope that she will be able to be a woman of her own someday and show the world what she's made of.

Moving on, I just love the opening scene in both episodes, showing the differences in the routine among neighbors early in the morning yet of course, they all share the same ritual of waking up which is cooking and that the cinematography is oh so delicious.

Most of all, Soo Kyung unnie's passion for food (except for cooking) is ridiculous. Though I see myself in her, I love food but I don't get the hands of a chef which I wished for. Anyway, her acting is overdone but her facial expression screams porn-food. Excuse me, but I would rather want to focus ogling at the food. I have nothing against the acting, this is just a comment.

Episode 3:

The mystery of the newly hired attorney Kim Hak Moon is unleashed, which I think will play an important role in getting to know Lee So Kyung better.

Then I have proven one thing which is, Dae Young is more interested to noona than dongsaeng. It doesn't mean there is an attraction but if there will be, in the future, it would definitely be with 'noona'. He knows exactly how to please her which is her one and only weakness - food.

This series, I think is good - in the discovery of the other side of the leader Doo Joon from B2ST and at the same time, to appreciate the preparation and the cooking of the food that we eat.

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