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Monday, December 16, 2013

"In A Good Way" Episode 4

This is by far the sweetest episode to date but what I mean by sweet is only an appetizer to the development of the characters involved in the story. In this episode, we can clearly see that Liu Chuan is in a state of adornment with Jia En, however reluctant to let the world know. Nonetheless his eyes speak the truth through the gazes he's thrown at her and his pleasant silences and awkwardness around her totally sends me the assurance, our boy is having a crush (or maybe in love). Oh my goodness, it's cheesy to read these words but I promise, the pacing of attraction on the part of Liu Chuan is gradual and oh so interesting in itself. To be honest, more than seeing him like that around Jia En, it's cute when you see an equally adorable guy figure out his feelings for the opposite sex. I don't know, I'm enjoying the push and pull of strings between Jia En and Liu Chuan. So to continue with episode 4, they were separated for a year after Liu Chuan was once involved as Jia En's personal tutor. That means a year or less of no communication. However, they met again of course (surprise, but not surprising) and it's an oh so precious moment for both so let's take a look at some of the sweet and memorable moments between the two and also with the other cast members.

Another fresh episode has gone by and I give props to the production team, I fell in love with the first scene that showed Jia En's first day entering Cheng Dong University which was accompanied by a chill instrumental background - that reminded me so much of Ying De University from Meteor Garden. I may say that the scene brought me back to my childhood days wherein I was so obsessed with my first Taiwanese drama - that was Meteor Garden. In many aspect of it, this drama gives off a more mature and a more tightly written story but the feeling when I was 13 was brought back to me, I wasn't as wise and mature then as I am now but I realize that a certain moment from the "now" can bring you back to the past, and suddenly everything feels so right and worthwhile because you have spent good times in your life - and those memories will just keep you going. Somewhere along the way in the future, you will encounter the same feeling that you have now from something that will remind you of it. This drama just don't give you throwbacks but also a lot of anticipation for the future and such. The feeling just won't leave and I can grasp how this is influential in an inspiring way. How would I be able to realize these without you? Oh you..

I am also glad that we got introduced to new characters - Xiao Wei and Tracy who are two friends that Jia En met in the first day of school. I love how involved supporting characters are to the four main leads. Like for example, we have Liu Chuan's friends A Qing and Ri Qi who constantly teases him without a pause as they are just really true friends, upfront and does their own thing other than the matters of the club and their basketball team. Then Bai Xue in this episode, we learned that she's different from the usual second female lead who is bitchy and self absorbed as we have witnessed the depth in her character. I also love the way she handled Ren Wei's confession to her and the way she rolls her eyes in an amusement everytime Ren Wei does ridiculous things - like it would be easy to win her over and such. Of course, since Bai Xue has been friends with Liu Chuan for a long time now so she's obviously acquainted with the Three Musketeers and apart from that, they are members of the Treasure Hunt Club led by Liu Chuan to which Jia En joined in. Ren Wei also has his groups of peers, Men of Steel which was formed out of jealousy after The Three Musketeers, wanting to challenge them that eventually led to bromance.  So for this episode, we are slowly introducing new characters that will be significant through their own roles in supplement to the story. I think this is a great way to make this drama more interesting apart from the moments our OTP - that is obviously Liu Chuan and Jia En. I'm happy and excited to see them grow in the drama, I'm really looking forward to everyone.

We are loaded with swoon worthy moments between Liu Chuan and Jia En in this episode. First I would have to say is the scene at the view of the city lights of Taipei after Jia En won the treasure hunt event organized by Liu Chuan wherein the prize is a BB call. Yey! Both were mesmerized by the view of the city lights and I was too, but more than that my attention went all to LC as he wiped off JE's sweat. Then that concerned look in his face after he had after knowing JE climbed up the mountain alone is priceless. He looked so worried for her that caught JE's concern about it as well. Girl, he's worried on you. But in the end he congratulated her. JE told him it was for her friend, Xiao Wei and LC was all "Ohh you worked so hard for your friend" then JE pulled some of LC's principles "the process of it was fun so I did my best". Another cute moment between the two was the encounter with the BB call where they went all so flirty in a friendly way with each other. These two are silly, they are not aware they are already shyly smiling to themselves while talking to each other on the phone. Liu Chuan, I saw how much you wanted to be the first one to ring JE's BB call.

Another noted event which I dearly like from this episode is showing the friendship between Jia En and Ren Wei. I love how Jia En is over Ren Wei now unlike what we've seen in episode 2 - at how she's disappointed at RW. That first scene they had pointing at each other showed how comfortable they are with each other and now, JE even teases RW that she is Bai Xue's mentee and will not help him walk his feelings towards her. I love the new Jia En as she is showing the other side of herself which is being cool and being able to get through your puppy love - Ren Wei. Of course, this wouldn't be possible without the help of our favorite boy, Liu Chuan.

I also love the chemistry among the Three Musketeers in some moments in the treasure hunt club office, when their topic went to is there a chance for LC having interest with the freshmen in school. Meanwhile Liu Chuan keeps himself busy without saying anything but the two boys played around with him. Ri Qi teasingly said to Liu Chuan he should stop being narcissist and start looking at the opposite sex (lol) to which LC pointed out that the one who's being narcissist is the one who's checking himself out in the mirror - A Qing. A Qing responded, LC only loves himself and went near him asking "Mirror mirror tell me who LC loves.." LC pushed AQ's hands as he is messing up with his work but then after a while, JE's image appeared in the mirror. Jia En flashed a smile at him as LC posed a surprised look in his face. Bai Xue was with her and they both went inside the office to introduce their new recruited member Jia En. Then the teasing continued after. Ri Qi asked how Jia En answered the puzzle to which she said LC once lend her a book that help him recall for the answer. Hmm. Then Ri Qi playfully said that JE and LC seems to connect rather well with each other saying something like "it seems that LC would be more interested with school of love this year" LC butted in saying "Don't be immature" LOL.

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