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Monday, November 4, 2013

Review: Gokusen

It has been 7-8 years since the last time I watched this drama and it's one of those that influenced me when I was just starting my interest to J-doramas. But then just recently, I decided to re-watch the series for a random reason that I wanted to relive the moment from the last time I’ve had. I’m glad I did because I can properly make a review about it.

Synopsis: The story is about a high school teacher, Yamaguchi Kumiko or Yankumi (Nakama Yukie), a tough and a diligent educator to her students who's more involved with the matters of life than in the academic purposes. Her background as the fourth generation heir of the Ooedo Family, a group of Yakuza molded her to become who she is in character. However, aside from becoming the next leader of the clan, she also wanted to fulfill her calling which is to become a teacher to change the lives the students of Shirokin High. This is where she entwined fate with the 3D class which is well known as magnets to a lot of troubles.

Theme Song: Let’s play V6’s ‘Feel Your Breeze’ – I just rekindled my love for this song, as it rings in my head these days.

Commentaries: This drama is truly one of those that are timeless due to the history that it holds in my heart. It was the first Japanese drama that I laid eyes on and I consider this as essential to my list of must recommended series which is about a basic story yet a classic offering to everyone.

In each of the episode, there are issues that they were to tackle and resolve. It goes to show that in every problem that we encounter, there is a wisdom waiting to be brought from it. It is also important to reflect on our actions because through Yankumi's personality, we get a lot of courage to fight for the harder battle that is goodness.

Of course my favorite character would have to be Yankumi not only because the story is centered to her being, but also, I see how her hard-work and sincerity to help others in their adversities has influenced the teachers and more importantly the students to change for the better. That is possible because her positivite attitude is contagious throughout the school, and I appreciate that side of the story that were able to front forward.

I also love the character of Matsumoto Jun, Sawada Shin for being really gorgeous and charismatic. Let me fangirl to my heart's content because he was too awesome to not be mentioned. He was so cool and he's even made cooler that he keeps his care for other people within his heart. But thankfully, Yankumi came to picture as he learned to open up as well. I thought that there would be a potential love line too because that's not impossible to happen most especially with the gazes he's made to her. Moreover, he looks after his teacher.

We also have Oguri Shun among the cast as well but he didn't manage to steal my attention from MatsuJun like in Hana Yori Dango. He was awesome though, regardless.

The fashion sense of Yankumi which is the track suit and all is a bit strange, nonetheless it suits her character. Plus, it's understandable that because it was produced in 2002 and thus, we couldn't possibly expect them to be sync with our era now in terms of the clothes.

Grade: A  Highly Recommended. This drama is truly remarkable and it doesn't age as the time goes by. There are so many values to learn from and you will surely find it as a favorite for a long time. You have to trust its popularity among the J-do fans. Futhermore, the cheesiness is all good for the heart-warming countenance. 

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