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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Reaction Post: Reply 1994 Episodes 9 - 11

Episode 9: Na Jung confessed to Oppa-ya about her feelings towards him which was on the day of the first snow in Seoul early in the morning. But then Na Jung was too scared to listen to Trash that she didn’t let him speak after to hear his response. She only succumb to him in embarrassment of what she did, but hey. I can’t believe that Na Jung had mustered her courage to confess to him in his room after waking him up, at least she got balls. I don’t understand Trash for being such a coward towards his feelings for her like it is obvious already but why did he ever let Na Jung confess first? Isn’t that un-gentleman-like? Well, to me at least. Though I hate more to see Oppa-ya in pain after seeing Na Jung be that way, like dude, how are we able to deal with you when what we from your eyes is totally different of what you are doing in the moment. I am so disappointed that you have kept your silence until now. I want to see your point of view, as well.

I believe that it was in this episode that everyone switched their ship to Chilbong not only because he’s better looking (which is obvious but I don’t care about their appearances in relation to the matters of true love) but also she’s treated Na Jung better than Trash. Though I stand firm in Team Oppa, I am kind of wavering with what’s in the mind of the writer. She might have formulated these tricks before or may have foreseen that this will work to create doubts but then again, the audience participation with whom to root for might possibly give way for a change of heart. No, it would bring me so much heartache if that will happen because Oppa-ya is the first love. Other than that, what is there to root for in him? He must get out of the way and prove himself deserving of Na Jung.

Episode 10: The highlight of this episode is Yoon Jin and Sam Cheon Po’s relationship because they have started to reveal the beginning of their unexpected mutual interest to each other which was set to a romantic sweet kiss in a boat sailing towards the rising sun in the early morning. I can’t wait to see these two go all mushy and cheesy around each other instead of bickering. Wiiih.

Episode 11: Gosh, this episode gave me so much thought to ponder most especially on the issue of unrequited and one sided love. I can’t remember who said it among Trash or Hai Tai or Na Jung but it goes something like this: “To get over a one-sided love, you must be able to tell that person”. It must be true? Or it may be not.

This episode has certainly revealed and made clear to me that Hai Tai is on it as well, the one-sided love that he has for Na Jung however, it’s a one sided love that should never be spoken. Because the situation just proves him that their friendship is better to maintained than be ruined by a careless confession of one's affection. If you think about it, Hai Tai is in a situation wherein he doesn’t have the liberty to express what he feels and that would cause him to never being able to get over the unrequited feeling he has. Isn’t that, I don’t know, pitiful perhaps? Hai Tai and Na Jung are truly great friends with the level of comfort that they have for each other.

In this episode I saw Trash’ pain, as well as Chilbong's but what really moved me is Hai Tai because he’s the one who’s absorbing Na Jung's heartbreak yet he can’t confess, that is to sacrifice his feelings to keep the friendship he's having with Na Jung the way that it is now which is precious to him.

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