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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Review: Petal Dance

In a Nutshell: A soul searching journey of four friends but not quite which was set through traveling in the direction of where the wind is headed.

Summary: The story started with
Haraki (Shiori Kutsuna) as a university student who has a part time job and whose character was mostly comprehended by its background. The first scene was with a boyfriend namely Kawada (Shunsuke Kazama), whom along the way didn't have much significance in the story. They also showed the side of her life with her job and few noticeable interactions to a co-worker, a senior (Mariko Goto) who eventually bid goodbye after the boutique where they both worked with closed down. However, the most relevant event that inspired her soul searching is when she developed her curiosity towards the whereabouts of an old friend who suddenly disappeared without prior notice, as she learned that all along, the friend attempted to commit suicide. Hence, she wanted to know what compelled her to hurt herself and she wanted to meet her again whether or not she's alive.

The next introduction is with Motoko (
Sakura Ando) who's first scene was through the reunion with an ex-husband Naoto (Masanobu Ando) – and  she asked him to lend them a car to borrow for a trip together with her friend Jinko to visit Miki (Kazue Fukiishi), a classmate from the university who was admitted in rehabilitation because of attempted suicide.

In Haraki’s decision to search for Kyoko (Hanae Kan), she happened to meet Jinko (
Aoi Miyazaki) in a library where she borrowed a book on the topic of suicide. Then they came across each other again at the train station. However, Haraki was misunderstood by Jinko when she saw her swaying from back to front repeatedly like that of the starting position for a jump. Thus, thinking of what she might do to herself, she ran up to her and dragged her to the ground to stop her. Because of the event, Jinko injured her fingers and in return, as apologetic as she felt towards Jinko, Haraki accompanied her to the clinic. After that, they exchanged some friendly words while during the conversation, they talked about where are going after. Jinko mentioned about meeting a friend, borrowing a car, and not close to necessary, they needed a driver. After a moment, Haraki volunteered herself because she has so much free time in her hands.

This is where the trip of them together started. They traveled by land, with the objective to meet a friend whom Motoko and Jinko both knew from the university. Both are casually talking about her, saying things like they would never know what to say to make her feel better or to make the situation easier for her to manage. Following these ideas, they are also troubled by thoughts of what could have been done to prevent this moment from happening. Meanwhile, Haraki was driving and consciously listening to the conversation between the two while she has the thought of her friend in her mind. While on the road, the concept of the wind appeared in the conversation, and Haraki could somewhat relate to what the two are feeling because of too much familiarity with the situation. However, she didn't relate her situation to them. There she remembered a moment wherein Kyoko shared to Haraki that when you wish for something and let the wind carry it to its direction, it will come true. Hence, the same thought processes are unconsciously occurring amongst them.

Arriving to the place, they met Miki after so long. The moment was a mixed feeling of awkwardness and longing for one another. Anyhow, they realized that they must create something out of the position they are into. This included Miki bringing them to the places where she'd want them to be with. Then the next day, they exactly did what was planned.

I think that from this moment on, it would be better to anticipate of what's going to happen afterwards.

Obviously, this is one of my favorite films, as you can understand from the lengthy summary of events. But I guess that I would have to explain why as well.

I was so moved by this movie through the different expression which includes the visualization of the wind, the sound of the sea waves, the nature that was captured, and the people whom we can describe as friends who were gathered by fate. It was rich in emotion as well as muteness. But when the instrumentals are played in the aptness to the scene, it was almost unbelievable to let go of the moment. To which, I loved the OST because it gives off serenity as well as enough emotion in a lonely behavior. I think also that loneliness or whatever we want to call it was highlighted in a good way, that it is not something wrong for us to feel but an emotion that needs to be recognized. The enlightenment comes in the consciousness that there are people whom we could be with despite all this. No matter how big the battle is within ourselves, that doesn't mean that we are left alone to survive them.

Rating: Highly Recommended

The story works for me because if I could put myself in a description, that is I wallow in any emotion provided and with the appropriateness of this movie to many who wanted to be felt, I want to feel them. It is guaranteed to raise awareness to people as well that we have someone in our circle that are going through the same thing.

The best approach of the movie is that it doesn't blame anybody for anything but only, it focused on what needs to be done, and on what are the possibilities that are raised during the scenarios. Most importantly, I loved the flow of thoughts that occurred. They may not be philosophical but a common ground for thinking and emotion and is never self-righteous.

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