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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Review: Sirius

Rating: Average


It’s a story between twins who were separated at birth. Shin Woo was left in an orphanage by her mother who can’t afford to raise the two kids together while she brought Eun Chang with her as a single parent. Five years later, they fetched Shin Woo at the orphanage to live with them in an effort to bring the two kids together as a family.

The siblings grew up with different personalities; Eun Chang is more outgoing and the tougher side of the twins while Shin Woo is reserved and an introvert. This has determined their roles in school as well. Shin Woo is someone who gets bullied while Eun Chang is always the one who comes in rescue of him. However, Shin Woo had perceived the concern of his brother, Eun Chang to him. He thought that he's being pushed aside within the family. 

One day, Eun Chang went to school wearing Shin Woo’s uniform to avenge his brother’s dignity from someone who has bullied him. However, things went ugly when he was brought at the rooftop where he was confronted. Accidentally, Eun Chang pushed the bad guy from there and he fell on the ground. The student eventually died and Eun Chang was sent to jail. But their mother asked Shin Woo to enter instead in exchange of his brother who only wanted to protect him. Little to her realization, it has hurt Shin Woo’s feelings as a son and that he has never forgot that moment in his life.

Years later, Shin Woo became a successful high rank police officer while Eun Chang was finally granted of freedom. However, their mother died by that time. Eun Chang asked Shin Woo why he didn’t notify him beforehand and asked what were the last words of hers. Frustratingly, he answered that she’s always mumbling his name until her last breath.

Sirius is a four episode action drama that is mostly dark themed and is projected to show the bad side of the society involving drugs and death of innocent people. I guess, I had a great expectation for this drama mainly because it gives off a unique vibe through the intriguing title and poster of it. Furthermore, it gave me the impression that the plot has something new to offer\. Hence I decided to watch it. In reference to my expectation is the successful run of my favorite series in 2013, Heartless City. Besides, I have heard reviews of it so I was curious as well.

When we talk about the series as a whole, it wasn’t as favorable as I expected it to be. One of the factors is that I can’t help but to compare it with Heartless City because of the similarity of the plot in connection to drugs and the lost lives but then, the difference is that for this story, siblings are involved. Anyway, much of the talk about it, I didn’t rely mainly to this factor in giving judgment to the wholeness of the series.

I didn’t like that there are more misunderstandings between the brothers than actual resolution to the problem. It isn’t about the number of episodes that told its story but its progress which was seemingly sucked up with the sibling rivalry. It was a pointless thing as it didn’t hold much importance to the story. Or if that was the main point of it all, that was in my opinion - non sense.

The actors:

Contrary to the storyline, I loved the actors who played the roles of the siblings. For the younger ones, Park Hyun Shik and for the grown up counterpart, Suh Joon Young. It was an introductory series for me to Joon Young and I was mostly satisfied by the acting. I would like to give them a grade of A for that. As I am not familiar with him, there were some scenes where I felt like there is an evident recognizable attribute to both Eun Chang and Shin Woo. The same goes to Park Hyung Shik.

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