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Saturday, August 3, 2013

Heartless City: Quick Recap of Episode 1 and Character Introduction

This is the episode where you get fed by a lot of confusing information because of the unfamiliarity with the sequence, the story, the characters, and personally, it was a first time for me to come across most of the casts. Thus, I decided to return to this episode where I thought I have missed a lot of details that I picked up later on. The first time, my brain wasn't absorbing the much, the story was all over the place and I can’t appreciate the characters yet but now that I see it again, everything has made organized and appealing, and that the pilot episode is actually quite impressive and interesting than I thought. Thank God I made it pass episode 1 because this drama just exploded right after, as the story develops and the revelations made into surface.

Character Introduction 

Scene #1: Hyun Min dined with Gyung Mi in a luxurious dinner wherein he planned of proposing to her. However, the plan wasn't followed because of an urgent matter - that is because her sister is allegedly seen in a bar where indecent things occur. Thus, she rushed on the rescue, but then she didn't know that the information passed on her was just  a misunderstanding and as a result, it caused an unpleasant exchange of words between the sisters even though it's out of concern for each other. In the meantime, Ji Hyun Min was present and witnessed the incident. (And I was coining the idea that Soo Min has crush on him way before but he's already taken most especially that his her sister's and has long accepted that it's a fantasy that won't ever come real.)

Scene #2: They held a meeting at the office to form a special task force in catching the following leaders of the drug syndicate. Ji Hyun Min is then introduced to lead the team by the Director of the police, Min Hong Ki.

 Scene #3: They are a picture of a happy couple. 

Ji Hyun Min happened to ask why Gyung Mi became a cop to which she answered: "Because I want to laugh freely. If I laugh, the world will laugh too."

Scene #4: He is Jung Shi Hyun commonly known to everyone as Pak Sa or Doctor's Son. The essence of his character in the series is translated to how broad his responsibility is towards the society, towards his calling, towards his objectives, and towards the people he wants to protect. Due to his various character, he has carried the most burden of all despite of everyone's belief that he's had it all easy, and that deceiving others is just as easy as it seems for him.

During this particular scene, he has received calls through different mobile phones which he owned that he stored in the drawer, and that signified his multiple identity. Yet the other end of his personality is gentle, full of sincerity and care to everyone. Either way, he is difficult to decipher which is why like I said in my previous post, he is like a study that needs case analysis after.

Scene #5: Pak Sa met his old friend with an agenda to propose, that is, to challenge the drug dealers like themselves in order to impose a bigger influence in the business even though that would mean attracting danger to their lives.

These two would have to go through a lot including the tests of loyalty and friendship to each other. However, these two came prepared. And in the process, they would have to accept their fate in the path they chose for themselves.

Scene #6:

I'm clipping the cap of our attractive Doctor's Son here as a bonus. : ) 

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