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Thursday, July 25, 2013

[Update] Current Dramas

I decided that this will purely be text so expect sincerity and openness from this post.

I find myself out of the loop with reality recently because of blogging; but whatever, I'm happiest doing this despite of manning three blogs all at the same time. You probably wonder how they are different in as far as we speak about content. Well, not much on it but I guess it's with my style of writing and expression. In here, I tend to be self conscious and I'm always on a serious tone; the second one is more personal, more intimate, and it's where more intensive fangirling happens; then for the last one, it's where I unleash my creativeness in writing with relation to the dramas that I watch and the like. With these three blogs running all together, it's not tiring at all. The only thing that interrupts me are the three things: school, eating time and sleeping hours. Because of this, I'm already considering to take a break from school next semester so I could concentrate more of this without any external pressures upon me. Hopefully, I'd be guided with the right decision but definitely, I won't stop improving with what I have started which is this blog and my other blogs as well, sharing bits of my fangirl entity and blogging for you guys.

Moving on, I'd like to share with you the dramas that I'm currently into:

1. Heartless City. Do I need to be excessive in mentioning about it? Yes, if that's the only way for you to watch. And definitely, this is a highly recommended show for all ages, form, race, religion, lifetime and gender. Seriously. Don't think that it's being exaggerated, it's to feed you with quality drama. Go, watch and together let's devour to its beauty, art, with the relative things to great casting, portrayal and production. This series is far from being perfect and it has its own flaws like a human being but they at the least try to be realistic as possible, avoiding false hopes but with their love to tease their audience smartly. Know also that this is being produced by a cable channel hence rating is not as important as your opinion to it. That exactly is their edge to others.

2. Mandate of Heaven. I'm on episode 15 now and it gets even more and more interesting with the new additions to the cast members. I'm so pleased with the development of the story but not much at the rate of downloading it. Where have the seeders went to? [Note: Please don't leave this drama with me alone, I still have to watch it till the end.] Furthermore, I don't really understand why this is so underrated. It managed to make me cry on its very first episode which has already left a good impression on me so I'm sure it will work to others too but why are people ignoring it for other dramas? I feel a bit saddened for some reason.

3. Dating Agency: Cyrano. It has nowhere to go but love in the end. Very predictable. But you have to leave it all up to the execution of the scenes and to the transition of the events where the series managed to steal its spot to my precious time. It's one of the risks I'm taking in watching dramas because I'm not a fan of rom-coms like I said before. By virtue of luck and timing, I hit the jackpot. To my surprise, I am enjoying myself a lot while watching this. It meant everything to me as a viewer. Am I the only one? I sense some j-do vibes from it.

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