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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Review: City Hunter

Lee Min Ho - Lee Yoon Sung
Park Min Young - Kim Na Na


City Hunter's role in the society is made essential through his presence in putting the corrupt government officials behind bars. However, his participation to the good cause is not being recognized by the authorities as something legal. Thus, they chased after him under the crimes committed by other individuals, as he is blamed for few cases of murder. Regardless of these accusations in his name, his will to avenge his life over his parents whom he believed abandoned him didn't stop and also, he would continue being the city hunter until justice is served.


This is the best drama yet starring Lee Min Ho. However, as memorable as it is, I'd give this drama an above average rating. Perhaps, I've seen better dramas than this one, and despite of its efforts in producing a decent drama series which they have actually achieved, the competition is just tight and crucial for this drama. Furthermore, it didn't give me something special to linger on thus, it may or may not be a forgettable one depending on its sentimental attribute to the viewer. As for me, I chose it to be memorable just because I could still appreciate it, despite of missing its key elements. Such would be on a more detailed focus on where City Hunter is headed to and on to what rate he is going to arrive at the ending. 

In other words, I needed a clearer perspective on what this drama is really about. Oh by the way, above average is not a bad thing to my standard at all.

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