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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Nine: Quick Recap from Episode 4 - 8

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What you're about to read might spoil some scenes, however I made sure that I won't be including the important details within each of the episodes. Rest assured that your interest is being considered first before this very quick and short recap. Most importantly, I'm doing this to give you a glimpse of its scope but not as wide as the development of the story line. I am by no means of spoiling it to as far as compromising the suspense and the thrill.

This wouldn't be as easy task as it is if not for its very busy plot in forming its conclusive evidences yet with its exceptional time management. You can't afford to blink an eye because you'll gonna miss a lot then.

Episode 4:

Sung Woo's friend and at the same time his physician posed threats on him that if he won't  be hospitalized, he's going to reveal to everyone that he's a ticking bomb.

Somehow, the relationship between the physician slash friend and Sung Woo gave me warmth and security inside that our hero has someone who will truly understand his situation and who will accept his difficulties along with him.

To his convincing evidence about the whole fantasy of time travel between two timelines, he devised a plan in showing his friend that it's possible.

Sung Woo sent a letter to him from the year 2012 to 1992 of the same date and time and vice versa. Since he has a very retentive memory and superb analogies, he immediately perceived its significance to Sung Woo's crazy hallucinations. 

His reaction is the very appropriate in the point of view of logic and reality. The scene induced me laughter in disbelief to its execution which I find very cool and self-absorbing.

Something is strange here...

Episode 5

This is a good example of a jaw dropping and mind rattling event because the dead has come to life again, breathing and interacting with humans in this world.

The scene is worthy of a chilling ride but rather scary by the thought of it. I am apologetic because I don't know how to create gifs to provide a better presentation of the scene rather than a collage. It truly was a faint of sanity as it proposes an interactive dream with a sound mind.

Episode 6

Mr physician is rather problematic with Sung Woo's trouble but I find it loving that he is concerned with his friend. He even visits the church every morning to reflect on the phenomenon he is experiencing with Sung Woo.

What made this person confident that he is innocent of charges?

Because of this I am going to spoil you the ending note of our resident news anchor in his news report which will be read by our diligent reporter slash his very own admirer in Episode 8.

I thought it's very philosophical so I should share.

Episode 7

Warning: Huge spoiler ahead. You might want to skip this.

Episode 8

Expect this drama to showcase its sense of humor once in a while. They may be sneaky and less obvious than its dominating plot, but still they remain to be very precious to this drama.

I like the boss of Sung Woo. He seems to be very compassionate with him and I just love the whole participation of the supporting roles in this drama. (I'm truly thankful.)

Truly heartbreaking. The caps speak volumes already.

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