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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Review: Wolf Children Ame and Yuki

It is an animated film with a box office hit success in Japan on 2012. It received numerous recognition from the different award winning bodies and positive reviews from critics. The movie was highly recommended by JYJ's Yoochun which he mentioned in one of his interviews  and that's how it caught my attention.

source: naegi-negi

The story started with the romance between Ame and Yuki's parents. It is no ordinary love story like the ones we've witnessed from movies and dramas where wolves, gumihos and vampires exist to capture the hearts of human being. It is almost impossible to take the story seriously for the reason that I don't find it creative and I'm not a fan of those fantasies. However, fast forward to the story, I realized that in order to present the roots of Ame and Yuki's natures as individuals, there we need to learn their childhood of which they didn't choose to themselves. Growing up, the siblings were two different personalities and I thought that it is what makes their individual characteristics shine despite of the same environment where they were raised. Ame has always been the aggressor while Yuki was the passive one in nature.

source: aksiane

The story built up as they went separate ways and chose different paths to take. It has left me bittersweet while watching. Anyhow, I thought it was a lovely sight as they entered a new phase in their life by making the most out of their abilities. Meanwhile their mother, Hana who was left to take care of Ame and Yuki alone when they were little was worried of her children's whereabouts which I felt was normal to a mother. However, I really admire her strength and courage to let her children live the life they have dreamed and wanted despite of her anxieties to their future. The sight of her saying "Take care and live well" to Yuki made me bawl my eyes out because I didn't expect Yuki of the two siblings to take such responsibility. 

Going back to my dissatisfaction of the romance, I guess that what separates their story is that their love resulted to two extraordinary tale which is special in their own ways that leaves us the message, we have to make the most out of the circumstances we live by to be happy and be grateful to make a difference. Overall, I would rate it 4/5 stars. Very Good!

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