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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Review: Paradise Ranch


Genre: Romance, Drama
Release Date: January 24, 2011


Han Dong Joo and Lee Da Ji were once lovers in the past who went through marriage but unfortunately failed to make it work. By chance, they met again after 6 years at a horse auction in Australia and by that time, they thought they have already moved on from the past and are ready to face each other again. To their discovery, they still have feelings for each other even  after years that passed since their divorce.

My Review:
First of all, I would like to tell that I'm a huge fan of TVXQ but I will try to be honest with my opinion regarding this series.

I know that it has received a lot of criticisms among netizens most especially to the acting aspect of Changmin and Lee Yeon Hee; and the fans weren't as interested to support as well maybe because only a small portion of the Cassiopeia fandom belongs to Changmin back then. But hey, the ratings was a life saver. It wasn't exactly a dismay as it managed to maintain 7-9% of audience share which isn't shameful at all. 

I would have to agree to the criticisms, I know that if I didn't know who Changmin was, I wouldn't last 30 minutes in the series. But as a dedicated fanatic as I am, I managed to give it a try. He was stiff at delivering his lines while Lee Yeon Hee had a hard time with internalizing her feelings as Da Ji. In other words, they tremendously lack in acting to save their careers. LOL.  Though I'm really disappointed at first, from the way he moved his eyebrows to the way he spoke that were out of place, I found myself getting addicted to it. I feel like I'm witnessing one of Changmin's flaws but at the same time, I really find it cute and endearing. I don't know if it's just bias kicking in but I actually had a lot of fun. I eventually found myself getting lost to their story which was intensified by the jealousy among the characters and at any moment, I would give in. Lee Yeon Hee was surprisingly a good match for Changmin as they were both struggling with their acting but at the same time depending on each other to survive it. LOL.

Will TVXQ fans love it?

Not necessarily, I guess it really depends on what type of a TVXQ fan you are. Some fans are just not into k-dramas and would rather sit around watching kpop. However, I would recommend this series to Changmin biased fans because of his cuteness overload and you can expect a lot of fan-service which you wouldn't expect from him. *wink*

My Rating:
*drools* X-rated Changmin!
credit: cakeontop

Changmin circa 2010, I don't think he still has this six packs because he's became busy with the activities of TVXQ; but still, I think this reason is enough! Lol.

I would have to give two of my ratings for this drama for the sake of those who are not in my league of fanatics and another one for the sake of my feelings to Changmin.
  • Average - This drama doesn't have something special to offer to you. If you are looking for a romantic comedy series, there are much more deserving dramas awaiting for you.
  • As a Changmin biased fan: Above Average - I actually watched this series twice. The second time around was even more fun imho. Because I can't get enough of Changmin's fail which was I find amusing, then I would have to really recommend it to Changmin's dedicated fans. This is the first TVXQ drama that I managed to finish and I regret nothing.

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